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BB Cyprus > [U21]-S10-European Championship

[U21]-S10-European Championship

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112347.20 in reply to 112347.18
Date: 10/12/2009 14:17:58
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despite of my dumbness, i intended to play a run and gun, so i set a guard a sf, but than i chossed a low post offence (*_*)

we won. now it's up to italy.

as always Kaliasis played huge and pikoulas too. but the hero of the match will be papazisis, as he played good in a very difficult situation (our low post and their look inisde could kill a pg like him)

some times luck smiles to us too than.

From: Pallu

This Post:
112347.21 in reply to 112347.20
Date: 10/12/2009 16:51:23
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fortes fortuna adiuvat...

From: Thecippis

This Post:
112347.22 in reply to 112347.21
Date: 10/12/2009 16:56:25
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yes it did!

This Post:
112347.23 in reply to 112347.22
Date: 10/13/2009 08:30:51
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Amazing man... even if you're dumb!

From: Pallu
This Post:
112347.24 in reply to 112347.23
Date: 10/20/2009 08:45:06
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Italia, currently the best team in NT and U21! Loosing at their place 74 - 97 is definetely not a problem. They haven't lost a match this year and sent their last opponent, Ireland, back home with a 47 - 164 defeat.

Could be worse.

This Post:
112347.25 in reply to 112347.24
Date: 10/20/2009 08:51:17
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I know every players of Italy's team... so I know that it was an impossible match! :-)

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112347.26 in reply to 112347.25
Date: 10/20/2009 14:36:38
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I bet that compared to countries that have less 100 active teams we are the strongest team. All thanks to u guys :)

This Post:
112347.27 in reply to 112347.25
Date: 10/20/2009 20:04:16
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I know every players of Italy's team... so I know that it was an impossible match! :-)

I know you (two) do. And even though I think it was worth trying to surprise them with "normal".

But TheCippis shouldn't back up now - even though he might be a bit disappointed by the lack of response from the community. Taking over the responsibility for a team like Cyprus means a lot and I am sure many people serieously appreciate it. It has become clear over the past 2-3seasons that Cyprus will not become one of the most active communities.

The NT coaches should be present at any time or announce their pauses.

This Post:
112347.28 in reply to 112347.27
Date: 10/20/2009 20:07:39
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I know every players of Italy's team... so I know that it was an impossible match! :-)

I know you (two) do. And even though I think it was worth trying to surprise them with "normal".

But TheCippis shouldn't back up now - even though he might be a bit disappointed by the lack of response from the community. Taking over the responsibility for a team like Cyprus means a lot and I am sure many people serieously appreciate it. It has become clear over the past 2-3seasons that Cyprus will not become one of the most active communities.

The NT coaches should be present at any time or announce their pauses.

I agree :-) but The Cippis is The Cippis!

A small community is growing up... small, but important... I hope they could steadily raise up. You are always welcome here!!!

This Post:
112347.29 in reply to 112347.28
Date: 10/20/2009 20:10:56
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You are always welcome here!!!

I love you, too.


Last edited by Pallu at 10/20/2009 20:11:44

From: Thecippis

This Post:
112347.30 in reply to 112347.27
Date: 10/21/2009 11:13:16
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here i am guys, don't worry, we won't step back, i'm just on a trip right now and I have not internet available.
I know italy would have beated us. te norml was a pale hope of victory and more serious concern about points difference. slovensko just made a big result beating turkey. we are now going to have a chance to qualifify, we need 2 w to make it, and as soon as i'm back hoe we will consider all the issues together.

right now let's enjoy the scores we achieve. we are doing good. 4season ago therewere not chances at all to make it in the pool. now we fight turkey for a dremy 2nd place, just beside bb top U21.

it is all very good!
more comng up this weekend!
