There are a lot of factors that counts in merchandising,and the fact of being in a stronger country and in a more competitive league make difficult to have some of this factors,and make easier to have others factors
It's easier to have NT players in malta than in Germany,and it's easier to have many players among the league leaders(both league and country),and it's easier to train your own trainees,as you can train weaker players because the competition is poorer.As is much more difficult to find national players on the market,and have them with an high level,and if you have a German Nt player you will have a greater increase in merchandising than with a malta NT player
And one factor is the record in their own league
I was only answering to Naker Virus phrase,he was talking about the difference in the various countries
Merchandise change team by team because of the various conditions,so it's wrong to say that a team of american II division surely has a merchandising higher than the Australian II division,as it's wrong to say the contrary...because some teams of german II division will have higher merchandising than some teams of australian II division,and other teams of asutralian II division will have higher merchandise than teams of german II division
There's a thread open in BBglobal with numbers that say that,if naker want to say another thing he has to find some test