I've got a level 10 PR and could've sworn I was over $40k last week. Won the first two games in the league, won my tournament match, then lost my next league game (though it was close). Now my merch income is $35k.Perhaps I had the wrong number from the previous week. (I'd really like data from the last two weeks in the economy page, but that's another story.)
I'd changed my lv 1 PR to lv 9 in last week........Before the economic update in this morning, i got $10682 in Merchandise Revenue (lv1 PR)....After the update.......the Merchandise Revenue just raise a little bit to $12062 (lv9 PR)...........In my league and Cup, I'd got a 10 consecconsecutive wins.....and nearly all the time win over 30 pts......:(