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Game shape with 60 min dropping??

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From: ClipCap

This Post:
163770.20 in reply to 163770.19
Date: 11/16/2010 10:14:47 PM
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What is the minutes differential between them?

Right is not a popularity contest!
This Post:
163770.21 in reply to 163770.20
Date: 11/18/2010 12:26:55 PM
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Well, its just a hypothesis but i got the impression, while zoning in a bit and observing my players GS, that few more minutes , say around 80 maybe up to 85, arent that bad, infact are somehow beneficial if u come from a relative low GS like respectable and want to improve.
On the other hand those 85 mins are too much to keep up a nice GS, believe its proficient in engslih -not sure.
These Observations were made while i had no Doc and u also got to take into account the random factor, but this pattern seemed to occure over and over again.
Anyone the same thoughts on this or am i completely off ? :D

Last edited by Ludwig Van Spraydosen at 11/18/2010 12:27:41 PM

From: ig

This Post:
163770.24 in reply to 163770.23
Date: 11/20/2010 7:15:06 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Second Team:
Jerusalem TET Utopia
My situation is even worse. My star (Ran Bass) was dropped from 8 to 7 this week despite having 62 weekly minutes, and this is not the first time he drops or stays at his GS (instead of popping or even double popping) despite of playing 50-70 minutes each week (except one with 85). In fact he did never reach GS of 9 this season despite playing close to optimal minutes each week. I know that there is a factor of randomness, but it seems that there is almost no affect of playing minutes on the GS difference. Why is this happening?

Last edited by ig at 11/20/2010 7:17:01 AM

This Post:
163770.25 in reply to 163770.24
Date: 11/20/2010 8:16:46 AM
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You explained it yourself. This is random.
It happened to me as well. One week, I got majority of my players to play between 58-62 which I thought was superb, but it ended up (as far as I can remember), 2 player dropped, 5 stayed the same and 1 had a it is very random.

This Post:
163770.26 in reply to 163770.25
Date: 11/20/2010 8:36:06 AM
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For me, i´m sure the there is a little of random on game shape.
Just don´t ask me how it works...

This Post:
163770.28 in reply to 163770.27
Date: 11/20/2010 11:06:39 PM
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It could have been that those 2 players had a high sublevel, so although they experienced a drop in GS, it didn't drop to an extent that the GS actually changes. Some say GS is 2 weeks thing, so if you got your 2 players to play between whatever ideal minutes the previous week, the drop in GS might be less.

From: Scor3r

This Post:
163770.30 in reply to 163770.1
Date: 11/27/2010 4:16:41 PM
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I think it might depend on what styles of play you used for Offence and Defense.

What Styles did you have and maybe see what happens if you change them for your next game and see if there's a different result after the game is over then come back and tell me what happened if you notice a change.

I've been through this before in the past trust me with it you'll get used to the stats after a bit.
