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Suggestions > Draft results not fully define

Draft results not fully define

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From: Kukoc

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198892.20 in reply to 198892.19
Date: 10/23/2011 11:13:01 AM
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that is why i think the draft is bad
I was just trying to prove a point. Based on your team, you could say draft is bad. Based on my team, you could say draft is good. All I was trying to say is, you can't assume something based on one team. Obviously if there are no profitable draftees in draft, you can't break even. I have a few seasons in there that were exactly like those. You can't say it's just luck aswell as I have constantly been drafting better players while not beeing amongst the first to pick. Ofcourse situations are different, Estonian managers are mostly dissapointed in draft. So looking at the leagues average draft spending you can anticipate the chances of getting a profitable player. You must have a decent system for point spending aswell.
Don't hate the game, hate Edju?:D

Last edited by Kukoc at 10/23/2011 11:13:51 AM

From: zyler

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198892.21 in reply to 198892.19
Date: 10/24/2011 1:35:09 AM
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& i know a well known team (zyler) who tanked a whole season spent 40k a week 2 find the best player in the whole draft was a $4k all star

why oh why did you remind me :(

though you give him too much credit he was a star not an all star and hid OD was lv 2 :(

last time ill ever invest in the draft

From: abigfishy

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198892.22 in reply to 198892.20
Date: 10/24/2011 5:15:01 AM
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yeah no doubt u & adam & lots of teams have done well in the draft

but i still think 4 most teams the draft is a black hole that sucks money into another universe

@ zyler with $2million down the drain i feel ur pain

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198892.23 in reply to 198892.21
Date: 10/30/2011 10:39:55 PM
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So Zyler what your saying is, you havent spent all your spare $$ this season and now you are not going to take the best pick of the draft in our league?

Why oh why didnt you say this earlier!?!?! haha.

Just FYI, in this league, there has never been a guy with less than MVP potential in any of the drafts ive participated in. So the last 4.. (5? i forget) drafts, have had at least an MVP player in it. Obviously i cannot comment on their skills.

i find that, in general, the more specific kind of player you are looking for in the draft, the worse off you're opinion will be of the draft.

So set your expectations a bit lower. Suddenly the draft is a bit of alright!

From: CrazyEye

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198892.28 in reply to 198892.26
Date: 11/4/2011 5:04:04 AM
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Usually 5ball has atleast 4k salary, but its close.

Yea I think its really really lame that a guy with 5 balls can have anyhwere from (if this case is true) 40 TSP to 70 TSP .

could be also the impact of the new salarys, at least my pay checks was shrinking again.

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198892.29 in reply to 198892.28
Date: 11/4/2011 5:44:39 AM
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Usually 5ball has atleast 4k salary, but its close.

As the skills are upon grade, in case where the grade was low, the combination of potential and skills may be lower than one with high grade and low potential.

I agree that the grading should be a little more precise than it is currently now.

I also think that there are not much players that their grade-potential combination worth much in the draft, especially on higher leagues drafts.
Hence I've once suggested that it will be a little bit adjusted to suite the league quality.

From: Kukoc

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198892.30 in reply to 198892.26
Date: 11/4/2011 6:27:15 AM
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Looking at my own draft. Change from 4ball to 5ball is between 3703-3930 salary. So 3846 can easily be 5ball player.
Change from 3ball to 4ball is between 2985-3007. 3ball to 2ball is between 2065-2529. 2ball to 1ball is between 1720-1919. If anyone got some numbers to add (to narrow those caps) it would be really nice.
