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The Great Micro-nation Debate

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278268.20 in reply to 278268.19
Date: 4/9/2016 3:14:30 AM
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IMO, solution is clear:

Remove all utopian teams in micronations.

-utopian teams is full of GM who are there since many seasons, so that's a solid basis and most of them won't quit.
-let utopian GM choose the micronation he wants to play for.
-his team players will get their new nationality to improve the NT level of this micronation.

Don't forget that for exemple in France, they are people from Algeria, Senegal, Marocco... (same thing with Spain for latin america, USA with west indies, ireland, england; italy with tunisia and marocco too...) As it is today, they can't join their "original country " and have to create their new team where they are.

2nd team option should help micronation by this way.
French GM who have an utopian team should like to have their 2nd team in senegal, algeria, marocco, tunisia... countries where french langage is learned.
Those countries will have their championship level increase, as their NT level... is not that you are searching for?!

We all know that solution won't come from new users, an app is not going to be created in the next weeks. Solution will come from current GMs to make micronations stronger than they are today.

And this would give to original Utopia an utility, without erasing micronations.

Let's keep those flags alive ! :)

Last edited by Gilles Bontoux (5266371) at 4/9/2016 4:16:40 AM

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278268.21 in reply to 278268.20
Date: 4/9/2016 4:25:34 AM
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1. Micro-nations will be merged to form entirely new BB nations. This means that all selected countries will use a new flag and all players from that country will also adopt the new flag. The reason why this option is our current top choice is because it would significantly improve the competition for national and U21 teams. In its current state there are far too many countries that are incapable of competing at a respectable level in those tournaments.

Just to be clear, i am absolutely for merging. I think it may up the level of competition and interest globally. The more the merrier. I think it is extremely boring to be part of a community of less than 100 users given the fact that just around 5-10% of every community is actually active.

However, micro-nations should not lose their identity or flags. We should have like dual flags or something that even though says that we are under the same roof each party has their own origin which we completely respect in each direction.

I'm not sure why Utopian subject popped but maybe it did because it was interpreted as an attempt to grow the global community, which I think it wasn't. For me, it was just a quick way to get some cash money, and to restore BB economy by inserting a lot official farm teams and having a constant injection of trained players.

Back on the subject, I want this a lot, I'm really anxious to see how it plays out.

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278268.23 in reply to 278268.22
Date: 4/9/2016 5:54:54 AM
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Just one thing:

Losing of national identity is unacceptable.

At very least, keep the national flag next to the team name in this new league, and make the team's draftees of that nationality.

From: Knecht

To: RiP
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278268.25 in reply to 278268.23
Date: 4/9/2016 6:57:02 AM
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Creating multiple Utopias (fake flag, fake nationality, no NT) would be the worst case imo.

If the micros get merged, I'd dismantle Utopia too and distribute the teams among the new divisions. I'd probably get a second team if it had a real world connection.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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278268.28 in reply to 278268.1
Date: 4/9/2016 7:12:45 AM
basket haute gironde
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Second Team:
Antigua Boyz
As Senegal NT coach, i'm not really "hot" with that idea. Senegal is not a big country but we have a little community with a project.
Personnaly, I think that if we want to reduce the disparity between big nations and micro nations, you should save big potential in each micro-nation's draft (by putting them in the market if they are drafted by bots).
To merge all micro-nations would be a big mistake according to me.

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278268.29 in reply to 278268.20
Date: 4/9/2016 7:16:00 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
In my opinion, Gilles Bontoux's proposal is the best. But my post goes for another way; Grullo talks about making a question. I think the question should be:

"What are we want to do/change with this?"

I mean, everyone know that the biggest problem is the numbers of users leaving the game. Will this proposal change that? I don't think so.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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278268.30 in reply to 278268.28
Date: 4/9/2016 7:38:29 AM
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I posted about merging nations in another topic, but now that it has its own topic, I'm gonna start by copying what I said in the other thread:

Let me just say that the idea of merging the small nations together is absolutely RIDICULOUS !!

It hasn't been officially announced, but everybody knows that it's happening. I don't know about other nations, but the most important thing that is keeping the users in my country (Iran) to keep playing is the nice little community that we have formed throughout the years. Many keep playing the game not because of the game itself, but because of the friends that they have made. As I said, I'm strictly talking about my nation, Iran. It is the friendly rivals and games that keep many in the game. Iran is not a small nation (I mean that geographically), but many of the managers actually meet each other in real life. I myself buy some products of the online store of one of my friends who has a team in the game. I'm saying all this to stress the importance of the community and to tell you that most of the pleasure we get is by interacting with friends. If small nations were to merge, this would be impossible. One of the thing that actually got me to sign up in the first place was that I saw my countries flag in the game. If I wanted to play with managers of some other nations, I would have bought the second team option and joined Utopia !! That's my first and most important point.

Secondly, many managers in my country, including myself, have planned the future of their team with regards to the way our nations is in BB. Some former top league champions have decided to lay low for a while as they are training their trainees, some are going all out for domination in their respective leagues, so merging the nation with other nations would definitely mess up what they have planned for their teams. We Iranians are extremely proud of our country and as small as we may be in BB, we have plans as community to improve our nation in many ways. Our national teams are an example of what we have planned and worked on for so long. We achieved a small portion of what we had in mind a couple of seasons ago as Iran NT became the champions of continental competition for the first time (this was made possible by the efforts of the amazing former B3 champion, Sahand, the manager of I Love Tehran). We are still working on different projects regarding our national teams, youth training, international competition in B3 as I am writing this.

Because of all that I stated above, merging the small nations, or at least my own nation with other countries will only lead to more users leaving the game. This people would be the more serious and more experienced managers such as the two time B3 champion, Misagh Alizadeh, the manager of Venomous Scorpions.

What I'm trying to say is that the idea is completely non-sense and I believe it will have a negative impact on the game.

Instead of merging small nations, why not work on better advertising so there is no need for small nations to merge in the first place !! If there is one of course ....


That was my initial post. I'm completely against the idea. We as a nation have different projects concerning our NT and U21, what we care about is the little flag which represents the country. We're fine with losing, winning, whatever the result may be, as long as it is what we have worked for and put our times in.

Also, no disrespect, but I don't wanna play with a guy from Saudi Arabia, or U.A.E who not only doesn't respect Persians (many stereotypes and insensitive people), but doesn't have a single clue of what I'm talking about. What I mean is the communication problem. I'm one of the few who can speak English in Iran (BB I mean, not the actual country).
