ok. interesting what you are saying. you might be right. But this is what I believe they are saying. I bought 2 trainees for 1.6 million each. At the moment I have 6 trainees and as I am sure you will agree with, I don´t need 6 guards once they are fully trained. I might be able to sell 2 guards for maybe even less than what I paid for them. But others that started training centers and power forwards, which I will be obviously looking for in the future will have most likely paid 1.6 million or so for their trainees when they bought theirs around the same time I bought mine. In the end I will have 3 or 4 guard and 2 or 3 centers or power forwards and it didn´t cost me any money. If you wonder how I got the money to buy these guards, it isn´t from income, because that would never have been enough. It comes from selling my first bunch off guard trainees. I am very sure that if I would have tried to train both all by myself, I would never have been able to train and get 3 super guards and 3 super forwards/centers in the same space off time as in wich I trained my guards. I believe though that neither way off running your club is wrong or one is better than the other.