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BB Cyprus > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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93548.20 in reply to 93548.19
Date: 06/05/2009 18:34:23
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Ah ah... thank you so much. :-)

I try to do my best!

From: Pallu
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93548.21 in reply to 93548.20
Date: 06/06/2009 10:03:00
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I am not eligible to vote but I would like to give my thoughts to the NT Election as well.

I have been working/communicating with NT-Coaches from Mexico, Italy, Kazakhstan, Germany and Cyprus - always concerning players in my Roster that were Candidates or players in the NT.

Both current NT Coaches, Steve_Makis and TheCippis, are extraordinary in the way they care about the NT Team, but especially about developing players, developing the Community and helping Managers doing so. I can recommend them very much, they have done a fantastic job and are highly motivated to continue doing so.

One last remark: if you check the Cyprus forum you will easily see that some managers only appear when it is close to the elections. This has been the same the last seasons. Usually they disappear as quickly as they have come.

Last edited by Pallu at 06/06/2009 10:03:34

From: PanaisG9

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93548.22 in reply to 93548.21
Date: 06/06/2009 10:08:39
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I agree with that....But i support STEVE MAKIS