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Transfer Ad Thread 9/8-9/13 (thread closed)

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109950.21 in reply to 109950.19
Date: 9/8/2009 8:50:31 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi...2 players on sale,take a look:

Good point guard for low series:(7439623)

Joan Corominas (7439623) Point Guard
Weekly salary: $ 4 056
DMI: 17200
Age: 28
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: average Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: average Handling: mediocre
Driving: average Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: awful
Experience: inept

Very good and young shooting guard:(10749976)

Anthony Manzo (10749976) Shooting Guard
Weekly salary: $ 5 186
DMI: 0
Age: 18
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: superstar
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: average Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: pitiful
Driving: respectable Passing: average
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: strong
Experience: atrocious

PS:also I really need a small forward for play look inside or low post,if you have a similar player contact me....

From: leojf
This Post:
109950.22 in reply to 109950.1
Date: 9/8/2009 11:09:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Great player

Román Rivero Pastor (4190181)

From: Hismat
This Post:
109950.23 in reply to 109950.22
Date: 9/9/2009 1:06:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Santiago Anwandter (7146739)
Shooting Guard

Weekly salary: $ 3 792

DMI: 12500
Age: 26
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: atrocious Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: respectable

Fausto Arizaga (10880083)

Weekly salary: $ 2 054

DMI: 0
Age: 18
Height: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: pitiful Handling: respectable
Driving: awful Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: average Free Throw: pitiful

Alberto Brzovic (10880074)

Weekly salary: $ 4 701

DMI: 0
Age: 19
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: 6th man
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: mediocre
Driving: atrocious Passing: pitiful
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: respectable

Agapitos Chalkiotis (9420853)

Weekly salary: $ 6 666

DMI: 54900
Age: 19
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potential: 6th man
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: awful Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: atrocious Handling: mediocre
Driving: average Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: strong Inside Def.: proficient
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: inept Free Throw: pitiful

Juan Carlos Dora (7146747)
Point Guard

Weekly salary: $ 3 390

DMI: 9800
Age: 36
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: average Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: awful Handling: respectable
Driving: inept Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: inept

Experience: proficient

Maximino Fantinatti (7146752)
Point Guard

Weekly salary: $ 4 303

DMI: 6600
Age: 33
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: pitiful Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: mediocre Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: inept

Boyce Sowell (4475607)

Weekly salary: $ 6 640

DMI: 38900
Age: 24
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: inept Jump Range: pitiful
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: respectable Passing: pitiful
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: inept Free Throw: mediocre

Juan Villouta (7146749)
Small Forward

Weekly salary: $ 4 303

DMI: 43900
Age: 29
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: awful
Driving: pitiful Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: strong


From: R.I.P
This Post:
109950.24 in reply to 109950.23
Date: 9/9/2009 3:12:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Karl Kallenborn (9896869) MVP
Kentti Plukk (9584131)
Pat Deliwala (9469702)

This Post:
109950.25 in reply to 109950.1
Date: 9/9/2009 4:39:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1- This guy is very good for middle-low divisions. He is very close to pop at shooting, outside defence and passing. He was trained for all of them a few weeks but didnot pop once so...


Filip Lignowski ((6161921))
Point Guard

Weekly salary: $ 9 522

DMI: 43200
Age: 26
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: superstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: prolific Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: prominent Handling: proficient
Driving: strong Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: respectable ↑ Free Throw: inept

Experience: inept

2- Nice player with a lot of training effort. He popped 19 times in 2 seasons but as he was one of my rookie mistakes, he is still an incomplete project. He has potential, i dont mind if i keep him because he seems to be sold for a bit cheaper than i hope.


Jaak Ereb ((8816105))
Shooting Guard

Weekly salary: $ 8 415

DMI: 34900
Age: 20
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: proficient Handling: strong
Driving: respectable Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: pitiful
Rebounding: strong Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: respectable ↑ Free Throw: awful

Experience: atrocious

3- Another purchase mistake by me, i couldnot notice how useless he was when i bought him. Very close to pop up in jumpshot and outside defence. He has very good potential too.


Romuald Kutyna ((7817394))
Shooting Guard

Weekly salary: $ 9 544

DMI: 92900
Age: 22
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: proficient Handling: respectable
Driving: strong Passing: strong
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: respectable ↑ Free Throw: respectable

Experience: awful

4-All around player with great future for me. He just needs a few pops but his overall value should already be very high. Should be close to pop in jumpshot, outside defence and passing. After one season of training he certainly will cost you more. :)


Tommi Poutanen ((4892362))

Weekly salary: $ 12 078

DMI: 101600
Age: 24
Height: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: proficient
Driving: prominent Passing: average
Inside Shot: prolific Inside Def.: proficient
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: strong
Stamina: inept ↑ Free Throw: awful

Experience: inept

Last edited by left hand path at 9/9/2009 4:59:57 AM

This Post:
109950.26 in reply to 109950.23
Date: 9/9/2009 5:09:03 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Stanislav Pulkin (8164484)

Weekly salary: $ 12316

DMI: 50000
Age: 21
Height: 6'7" / 201 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: awful Handling: average
Driving: mediocre Passing: awful
Inside Shot: strong Inside Def.: prominent
Rebounding: proficient Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: awful Free Throw: strong

ONLY 650,000!!!

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
This Post:
109950.27 in reply to 109950.26
Date: 9/9/2009 6:51:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Few players for sell:

SG - Jan Domaszewicz (10474785)
SF - Jan Bernatajtys (10474796)
SG - Andrzej Karkocha (10474779)
C - Glenn Bright (9898409)
C - Grzegorz Pergoł (11033044)

This Post:
109950.28 in reply to 109950.27
Date: 9/9/2009 8:09:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Abel Palazuelos (2799407)

Weekly salary: $ 53 888

DMI: 427800
Age: 25
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: allstar *
Game Shape: respectable

Jump Shot: prodigious Jump Range: prominent
Outside Def.: wondrous Handling: marvelous ↑
Driving: tremendous Passing: proficient
Inside Shot: pitiful Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: inept Free Throw: atrocious

Experience: inept

This Post:
109950.29 in reply to 109950.11
Date: 9/9/2009 9:30:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Rolf Fjærvoll ((9537458))
Small Forward
Owner: Rugrats

Weekly salary: $ 8 697

Age: 19
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: perennial allstar

Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: strong Handling: average
Driving: strong Passing: awful
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: inept Free Throw: pitiful

This Post:
109950.30 in reply to 109950.11
Date: 9/9/2009 9:38:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sinan Eseray (2989609)
Ilmari Piela (4891197)


Svante Silfwerwald (11072394)
Ruben Koskiniemi (11072385)
Keijo Kann (11072392)

Last edited by Murfield at 9/9/2009 9:39:32 AM

From: omer
This Post:
109950.31 in reply to 109950.30
Date: 9/9/2009 9:41:16 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

good player
