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Suggestions > National Cup Seedings

National Cup Seedings

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152188.21 in reply to 152188.20
Date: 7/20/2010 11:57:09 AM
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Yes, but it would certainly increase the chance of better teams making it further. It would also encourage teams to do well in their league and not tank games because as you get a higher ranking you will play an easier team in the cup.

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152188.22 in reply to 152188.21
Date: 7/20/2010 2:51:52 PM
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I think you can make arguments for both a seeded and a random draw in the tournament. Because you prefer the seeded version, doesn't make the random version less fair. In fact, some might argue that its more fair...everybody has the same chance of facing the top teams (everybody is treated equally).

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152188.23 in reply to 152188.22
Date: 7/21/2010 3:24:29 PM
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I'd prefer if the cup was seeded, but I think the weaker team should be granted HCA.

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152188.24 in reply to 152188.23
Date: 7/21/2010 7:50:58 PM
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Fair or not fair - cup matches are played by teams with varying enthusiasm - should we therefore set a fixed enthusiasm level for all teams to play their cup matches? if you go down this road, you'll end up convincing yourself we don't need enthusiasm in the game altogether - and this way the outcomes will be academic subject to injury.

The best team hasn't the right to win the Cup (or league for that matter). The game has different managerial options specifically to ensure teams within a certain quality of one another can compete on a given day.

If you want to take luck out of BB then do it via the draft - thats as much if not more of a lottery.

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152188.25 in reply to 152188.24
Date: 7/24/2010 3:21:54 AM
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I love the fact that there are two types of competition in BuzzerBeater. One is focused more on long-term planning (league), the other has a strong factor of surprise and the unexpected and has its focus on the short term (Cup). Remove the difference and having two separate competitions doesn't make that much sense anymore in my opinion.

From: chihorn
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152188.26 in reply to 152188.25
Date: 7/26/2010 9:54:01 AM
New York Chunks
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Here’s my opinion. Random seeding in the Cup games are just fine. Speaking as someone whose team just got knocked out of the USA Cup in the 3rd round against a D.III team while so many other D.II teams could still feast on D.IV teams due to the random draw, I don’t mind this at all. The upside is that I can spend the next few weeks planning better for league games and training. I do sort of resent that my Fan Survey will take hit for both this survey and next (remember that the fans’ opinion on “last season” includes performance in the Cup), and because of the randomness of when we get a tough scheduling matchup in the Cup I really think that this element of the Fan Survey has a muted impact on our attendance numbers since I’m sure the Fan Survey isn’t taking the quality of the opponent that knocks us out of the Cup into consideration when assigning the number of balls for Cup performance. Oh, and while I’m expressing my opinion, I’ll add that I really wish all Cup games, not just the later round games, were on neutral courts. While random assignments are fine (after all, we’d be debating a long time the right way to seed a Cup tournament), I think randomly assigning who gets home court is unnecessary. The outcome the games should be based on the lineup and tactics each team uses without a random home court advantage bonus assigned to a lucky team.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
This Post:
152188.27 in reply to 152188.26
Date: 7/26/2010 1:10:26 PM
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The only improvement that needs to be done in the cup draw,is a system to avoid the BOT vs BOT games,that I think would be easy to insert for the BBs

It's just ridicoulous that a BOT team could arrive till the fifth round of the cup,maybe playing only against bot teams

Look at the path of these two teams that will face in the fourth round of the italian cup this season...

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152188.28 in reply to 152188.1
Date: 7/26/2010 11:48:33 PM
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I think cup should remain random. It gives those lower league teams a chance for the title (even if it is a small one).

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152188.29 in reply to 152188.28
Date: 7/27/2010 9:27:12 AM
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I think that cup should be changed, but on a different way.

There is a lot of teams in the low leagues. In fact a majority of the teams. So there can be created cup, played just between teams from 6. league separately, 5th league separately, 4th league,.. so do a division way of the cup. Higher league can play more matches against (home and away) as they are closer to the final, so there will be same volume of matches, so you can compensate lower volume of teams in higher league... this would continue like that into secon leagu where would be probably whole season like two matches to go against next team and first leagues can play international cup against teams from the countries with similar volume of users.

That way would be possible to have a chance to win a cup to everyone, not just to 1st league teams. That seems to me pretty boring. And what is normally cup about if not about trying to win that?

From: zyler

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152188.30 in reply to 152188.29
Date: 7/27/2010 12:24:13 PM
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hmmmmm that idea is allready implemented its called normal league games

From: aigidios

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152188.31 in reply to 152188.30
Date: 7/27/2010 12:58:26 PM
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That is not correct. You cannot play against a team from different league of the same division. To win a division you have to beat only few teams succesfully and you have whole season run to do it. Cup is about relegation battle.

At this condition is cup in fact pointless, because doesnt offer any chance to win even for a 2nd division teams (if any won the cup, Im sure that 3rd division team didnt). The problem is that you have here only frame of teams in the first two leagues. Majority is much lower and from that point of view it is not interresting, because you will always know, that you will relegate sooner or later no matter what you do.

Im not sure about basketball, but in football there are cups divided among different levels, so 1st league team will not usually go play agaisnt bunch of villagers to the arena where buy tickets mostly families of the players.

I dont know how about you, but I dont see any motivation in a long run in the cup, because you have to have extra players for it which doesnt have to cross over 50k wage, because it doesnt make big difference anyway if you are losing money because of it.
