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BB Global (English) > New Ball Rating System

New Ball Rating System (thread closed)

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From: Marot

To: Edju
This Post:
155342.21 in reply to 155342.14
Date: 8/27/2010 3:12:24 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I prefer ''youtube/facebook system'' where you also can give negative if the post deserves it.

PD: I would prefer to see changes in other things of the game than this ;) but anyyway better new things than nothing.

Last edited by Marot at 8/27/2010 3:13:00 PM

From: FatCurry

This Post:
155342.22 in reply to 155342.21
Date: 8/27/2010 3:20:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'd one ball you if I still could.

This Post:
155342.23 in reply to 155342.22
Date: 8/27/2010 3:22:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
You can still give 1 balls in the new system. It's just in the old system it was 1 out of 5 balls. Now it is 1 out of 1 ball :P
So technically, you can completely 1 ball him ;)

From: zyler

This Post:
155342.24 in reply to 155342.12
Date: 8/27/2010 3:22:22 PM
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i thought the he/she would prefer getting 2 balled lols.

From: Marot

This Post:
155342.25 in reply to 155342.22
Date: 8/27/2010 3:22:23 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'd one ball you if I still could.

What a pitty heh

This Post:
155342.26 in reply to 155342.25
Date: 8/27/2010 3:26:26 PM
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I'm waiting for people to bitch that there should be a server reset for this 1 ball system... because some people were 1 balled before they managed to collect one balls... therefore they had an unfair advantage over these users...

then there'll be the people complaining this system was promised ages ago.... why weren't there updates on this?

jokes aside... I'm liking the system.

This Post:
155342.27 in reply to 155342.11
Date: 8/27/2010 3:43:31 PM
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Woohoo I'm the first one in BB to get to double digit balls :D

This Post:
155342.28 in reply to 155342.27
Date: 8/27/2010 3:50:13 PM
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And I bet that you will be the first one with drible digit balls ;-)

This Post:
155342.29 in reply to 155342.19
Date: 8/27/2010 3:51:28 PM
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... but I do predict that there will be an explosion of posts in the help forum

Yes quite expectedly, and lots of suggestions..well for good and bad.

Btw, about the suspicions of one BB being female, I hope the latter part of this person's signature is not a "clue".....? ;-)

From: Stajan
This Post:
155342.30 in reply to 155342.27
Date: 8/27/2010 3:54:30 PM
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When browsing in the old system I saw a lot of good info being rated 1 ball. Posts that should have been acknowledged as simple talking were also being rated 1 ball. Heading into the help forum and asking questions for help was almost intimidating in a sense. But this is friendlier. I've got a firm(er) grasp on the game by now, but I'd feel safe to post there now without a barrage of 1 balls (not that I cared).

Good change. If information and discussion is helpful it's easier to be represented as such.

This Post:
155342.31 in reply to 155342.20
Date: 8/27/2010 3:57:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Awww, I will miss the old system. I enjoyed 1-balling people who complain in the forums. Especially in that so-called "Economy" thread.

Instead of 1-balling you could have got involved into the discussion - I have never seen you contribute in any forums before.
