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Suggestions > Half time entertainment

Half time entertainment (thread closed)

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203093.22 in reply to 203093.20
Date: 12/05/2011 14:54:29
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I'll start from the end of your response;
A better auction-system (which I've already suggested) is to allow setting min-price, max-price (and maybe also the difference from current bid), and allow it to be automatically for those who can't attend the bidding.
This is what needs to be done, as there is no reason to give this unfair advantage to users who just have more flexible time.
This game is not about "how your time is flexible".
Summarizing - the auction-system issue needs a "root-solution and improvement".

Regarding the suggestion brought about the half-time auction;
I didn't fully defined it, and maybe something else should happen at this time, but what I'm mainly suggesting is to have something that will bring some small benefit to those who watch a game. Otherwise, as I wrote, there is no reason for this long period of 15 minutes of nothing.

The suggestion:
A player will be randomly peeked from the TL (at setting an auction for that player), and preferably a player of a retired player.
This player will be brought to auction at a game.
As most of the time, the auctioned player will not be one that the users, that are part of the game, will bid and want, that player will return to the TL or even will go to another game as an "half-time auction".
It will give small advantage that users will want to take, as this player will not be open for bidding to all, but just to those two users. This advantage will make users watch the game, or at least the half-time.
In case that player will not be bidded at the first 5 minutes, a new player could be brought to this game.
It is fair for all, as all users will have their own half-time's auction, and what is surely true is that it is more fair than current auction-system (as explained above).
Again, this auctions will not come in replace of the regular TL, but in addition.

This Post:
203093.26 in reply to 203093.22
Date: 12/05/2011 17:04:19
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This game is not about "how your time is flexible".
How many times are you bringing this issue up? Last time I already explained to you how you can bid for a player the max amount you are willing to pay. I also said to you, that an average team, buys a player once a month (the number suggested even less, but we rounded it up for you). Are you saying you can not be online once a month on a specific time? It's not like you have to be able to be online 24/7 to be successful in BB.
Your half time random auction is just iceing on the cake:D Can your suggestions get any worse. First claiming that noone should be able to get "the extreme unfair advantage, that ruins this game and kittens die every time someone buys a player when they should be sleeping" and then suggest something absolutely opposite, where people should get the advantage (if they watch their games live) of bidding on some random 18 year old, bot drafted MVP with great skills that was retired while a human manager took over. Man, you are great!

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203093.27 in reply to 203093.26
Date: 12/05/2011 17:20:08
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I need again to clear a common wrong saying here (mistakenly? I'm not sure);

Bidding the MAX price (you agree to pay for that player) means that you pay... the MAX price.
It is not the case for the one who is bidding live.
If it was such a not importrant issue, then live auctions should have been eliminated.
Those who are hiding it, hiding the fact that by that those who has more flexible time pay less than "MAX price", and by that has great advantage at this game.

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203093.29 in reply to 203093.28
Date: 12/05/2011 17:39:55
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But that's absolutely not the point of the suggestion, so please everyone, can we stay on topic ? Half time activity.

Well, I actually think it is nice when the 15min pause comes, so there is actually time to do something IRL, maybe grab a sandwich or something, and then come back for the 3rd and 4th quarters.

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203093.31 in reply to 203093.22
Date: 12/05/2011 19:54:41
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OK i understand the suggestion now.
I think its a good suggestion! But maybe its a bit overkill? Like using a brick to get into a peanut shell.
Still it is a good idea for half time. I don't think there is much advantage to anyone really.
I think the current bid system does contain some of the elements that you have suggested. But i think this discussion is off topic. We should discuss improvements to the current bid system in another thread.
