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From: BarcaSwag

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275336.21 in reply to 275336.20
Date: 12/8/2015 7:36:58 PM
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Most of the TV money earned in Spain (about 73 or 74%) goes to Real madrid and barcelona and that's a big thing... so barca and real get to outspend the rest of the league. Which is actually part of the problem in Spain. It isnt evenly spread like some people would like it to be.

And er... people like the EPL because it's the most competitive, I'd would argue it's not the best quality, Germany and Spain has that, but the teams are generally equal in England. That's why you could see a team like Leicester currently top of the English table... and they got promoted 2 seasons ago. They're likely to end up finishing 6-10th around there but it's a great achievement to be there after 15 games.

and if i'm ranking on qualify i'd go in this order ---> Germany, Spain, England, Italy, (drop off here), maybe France, Portugal, Netherlands, i may have left out someone.

Italians do play well, but it's not as easy on the eye, they're mostly known for their good defending, which would tend to be boring to most people.

Never looked at the MLS as a good league... it's been regarded as a retirement league where players... like Villa, Lampard, Pirlo, Gerrard, drogba recently go to at the end of their careers when they're in decline.

If i were to try to put it in understandable terms, if you put together a team of all the best MLS players, in the top 4 leagues (spain, germany, england, italy), i dont think they'd finish above midtable in any of those leagues.

About the system as well, in Europe there's players playing for big clubs like Barcelona when they're 12 years old... and making their way through the team's acadamies. They're getting some intense training that isnt available in the US at a high school level. I can't see that changing, because the sport isnt as popular or loved in America as it is in Europe and other parts of the world.

In Brazil kids will skip school to play soccer all day. It's seen as a way to escape poverty over there. And they just love to play it. All day.. all the time. Brazil produces some of the best flair and stylish players in the game because of that, playing street football helps with your ball control and trickery. You cant generate that same situation consistently in the US.

From: Irei

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275336.22 in reply to 275336.21
Date: 12/21/2015 10:12:06 PM
Persevering Pride
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In Brazil kids will skip school to play soccer all day. It's seen as a way to escape poverty over there. And they just love to play it. All day.. all the time. Brazil produces some of the best flair and stylish players in the game because of that, playing street football helps with your ball control and trickery. You cant generate that same situation consistently in the US.

And thats why we have the most World Cups. B)

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275336.23 in reply to 275336.22
Date: 2/14/2016 9:38:35 PM
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Gotta say a well done to Astros, i got lazy near the end of the season and i havent been managing my gameshape, good gamble on the balanced, because i've most run outside offenses, gg and see you in d1.

From: nsg

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275336.24 in reply to 275336.23
Date: 2/20/2016 8:28:58 AM
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Thx man, I honestly didn't expect to beat you but I took gamble with the balance from looking at your previous matches. Thx for the fun especially the last match and looking forward to D1 also.