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How to maximize profits as a new team / Mantain a sustainable profitable team

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From: DzigyDzi

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309288.21 in reply to 309288.20
Date: 5/17/2021 3:18:21 AM
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Hey, as you can see from my transfer list history, I always take (with only 1 exeption) players for 1k and usualy sell them for about 1-1.5m after three seasons.

I take players who are 18 yo and I look that their JUMP SHOT, JUMP RANGE and OUTSIDE DEFENCE would be at 7 (or at least 6). And then I rotate trains between JS, JR, OD. At the end of the 3rd season those players are like 15-15-15.

U21 teams like to grab them, which increase their value as well.

Not saying that this is the best way, but that is how I am working. :)

P.S., my trainers are both at lvl6