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BB España > [Ñ] España - Letonia

[Ñ] España - Letonia

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From: Alexenko

This Post:
62020.21 in reply to 62020.18
Date: 11/29/2008 6:28:14 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Jajajaja, mira que sois...

Mir lleva mentalizado ya varias temporadas...

Mosmos dimisión (¡así todos contentos!)!!!

This Post:
62020.22 in reply to 62020.20
Date: 11/29/2008 6:30:25 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Letonia
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost

132-96(+36) Marot

Suerte ;)

From: emilyon

This Post:
62020.23 in reply to 62020.22
Date: 11/29/2008 7:45:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Letonia
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon

Muxa suerte en vuestro estreno!!!

From: Mixu

This Post:
62020.24 in reply to 62020.23
Date: 11/29/2008 7:52:58 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15

Last edited by Mixu at 11/29/2008 7:53:18 PM

From: poma_mid

To: Mixu
This Post:
62020.25 in reply to 62020.24
Date: 11/29/2008 9:55:19 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid

suerte ;)

This Post:
62020.26 in reply to 62020.25
Date: 11/30/2008 4:10:37 AM
Lord of Rings
Overall Posts Rated:
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson

This Post:
62020.27 in reply to 62020.26
Date: 11/30/2008 4:33:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson
122-91(+31) eizo

From: pokspok

To: eizo
This Post:
62020.28 in reply to 62020.27
Date: 11/30/2008 5:12:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Letonia

127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson
122-91(+31) eizo
134-93 (+41) pokspok


From: Pixiya

This Post:
62020.29 in reply to 62020.28
Date: 11/30/2008 7:21:26 AM
Pixiya Bullies
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Letonia

127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson
122-91(+31) eizo
134-93 (+41) pokspok
133-100 (+33) pixiya

La mejor federación de BB: (/community/fedoverview.aspx?fedid=11271)
This Post:
62020.30 in reply to 62020.29
Date: 11/30/2008 9:21:58 AM
River Legends
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Letonia

127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson
122-91(+31) eizo
134-93 (+41) pokspok
133-100 (+33) pixiya
132-96 (+36) Leyen

Mucha suerte figuras!

From: cesar89
This Post:
62020.31 in reply to 62020.30
Date: 11/30/2008 9:25:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Ñ - Letonia

127 - 91 (+36) Veldrane
135 - 85 (+50) Fotocopiator
123 - 76 (+47) Mara
132 - 92 (+40) Dark Angel
141 - 102 (+39) fergranaino
114 - 86 (+28) frikimordor
133 - 103 (+30) g3rjo
147 - 99 (+48) Kobe
122 - 90 (+32) natx0
122-95 (+27) jose_7
140 - 106 (+36) litur
155-95 (+60) HAKeem73
130-75 (+55) Camlost
132-96(+36) Marot
131-80 (+51) emilyon
148-91 (+57) Mixu15
133-82 (+51) poma_mid
127-101(+26) Frodo Bolson
122-91(+31) eizo
134-93 (+41) pokspok
133-100 (+33) pixiya
132-96 (+36) Leyen
142-98 (+44) cesar89
