i meant with the current, the state of the allstar players, who are pretty difficult to train over the 100k salary ;)And i just thinking that it is nearly impossible to play with a player who earn 150 or 200k what will happen the next season to several players - and high salary palyer are trained mostly in their most important and most expensive skills which is good for NT and not that good for a club.As a guard trainer i don't have big problems with one position trining, i like it pretty much and i was thinking that you could also make it pretty succesful big man got salary problems and i am pretty sure that there will be salary monsters at the guard spot, in future.
(4823078) - for example him ;)15,5 Rating with respektable Gameshape, i am sure the NT loves him but next season he is pretty hard to pay but maybe the NT find a club who will quit playing and trains him one or 2 additional seasons.
I assume that if someone expand his arena have the safety to load it with some determined ticket prizes,otherwise is useless build more seats.I know that it is not automatic the relationship
By the way, keep in mind that there is a soft skill cap on players (based on their Potential rating. As a result, there is also a soft salary cap. The best high-potential players in the game are starting to reach this cap (though not top potential players quite yet).We have designed the Potential system to ensure that there are a limited number of "top" players.Hope this answers the question!