Then would be the best to save more money before that and be in red numbers whole season. It seems like a making things more complicated with the same effect.
I personally think that the solution isnt in limiting amount of transfers. It is like a time traveling, if you have any restrictions for the future, is better to prepare yourself in past.
Yes, let's make things complicated. We are talking about a competition for top teams, it should be the hardest as possible.
And yes, let's make teams have to be prepared even before gaining access to B3.
Teams should be faced with this kind of challenge: "well, it seems that I have real chances of winning this season's cup or league. If I succeed, I'll be on B3 next season, so I must be prepared, let's start planning right now".
And not with this kind of challenge: "I have a B3 game tomorrow, so I need to buy the best player available and spend almost nothing, so I'll look for some monster-wanderer-in-the-market and after the game I'll sell him without even have to play his wages".