About the OET:
I give you my example. 3 seasons ago i descended from NL to 2nd division. I sold all my best and most expensive players and bought others that i could afford, before the first league game was played. Took a huge blow, because i had to sell players that i worked hard to train for several seasons for half the price they cost me. And i actually took the time to make my budget on paper. So this was my plan:
I made plans, according to my incomings, to be about neutral in my weekly budget
I expected 50k profit while stil on cup, about 0 when knocked out (i average 6-7 cup games per season - 300-350k profit)
Saved 300k for any unexpected problems - i was planing to spend it later on a coach
This is what i got:
My attendences never reached the values of my previous 2nd division season, despite having more supporters and more seats - apparently, fan spirit never recovers from last season defeats, even if you have 5 defeats all season and are leader of your league
As a consequence, i got about 20-30k loss a week, which went to about 55k loss with that tax. Suddenly, my weekly budget was on red, despite the fact i should be profiting with the cup game!
As soon as i was knocked out of the cup, i had to sell 2 players, and replacing with 3 "thrash minutes players".
I think i did a good financial management of my team. Unexpected income loss lead me to a small financial loss, easily sustained by my savings. OET put my finances in real danger!
I don't think I did anything wrong or unethical or was trying to "buy championships". I was trying to adjust to the financial catastrophe of descending division and was very penalized by this tax. I think this tax may avoid people from "buying championships" (whatever that is, for maybe more than 10 seasons i don't have any draft players making it to be important players, so they are all bought!), but is also an excellent way to fuck teams that are through team difficulties, like descending division or having a losing streak.
I fail to see how is it fair, or why should there be a tax for people who happen to have bad results. And I assure you those are a lot more than those trying to "buy championships".
Basketball is not meant to be fair; but basketball simulation games are meant to simulate real life
Last edited by zempt at 9/26/2014 2:20:10 PM