Its no longer Summerville, its now Sommersville. Though his performance was positively. Havlicek like, all the way to stealibg the final effort.
Announcer staring into the camera with a empty arena behind as a couple of the guys in the cleaning crew sweep away the streamers and confetti used in the post game celebration.
What a wild ride it has been, and what a amazing amount of feedback in the forums . i applaud you all. A hearty congrats to the Lions. And a hearty s[message=XXX.YY]how of appriciation to all those who not just compete but participate. You make this silly little game what it is.
The great thing though about BB is another season is always around the corner. But before we turn our attention to next season lets take one last look back at the lasting legacy of another vintage season edited by Coach Lambini at 7/15/2018 10:53:28 PM