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Strictly follow deapth chart?

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165128.22 in reply to 165128.21
Date: 12/2/2010 2:30:37 PM
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it does not contradict my proof. i said this is the way it works for ME. not for you or others. for ME. and i showed you it does work for me. so the proof i showed for my own team is correct.

and you could be right, having all players having stamina 9 or higher, this could be the case. my stamina is quite low and i have it in the planning to train it, so will keep you informed as to whether it makes any difference, i would be gutted if it does. cause 48 and 36 with a good stamina dr (i think it is a dr) it works very well for me...

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165128.23 in reply to 165128.22
Date: 12/2/2010 4:09:07 PM
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usually in games i won by 30, starters played 24-32 minutes..