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Training Bug

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From: zyler

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183403.22 in reply to 183403.21
Date: 4/29/2011 7:15:00 AM
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im also seeing a player i bought last weeks pops even though i bought him after training was said to be complete.

my question now is whos training has he done ? mine - pg one pos pressure or what eva his old team was doing ?

From: jbm237

This Post:
183403.23 in reply to 183403.22
Date: 4/29/2011 7:19:04 AM
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im also seeing a player i bought last weeks pops even though i bought him after training was said to be complete.

my question now is whos training has he done ? mine - pg one pos pressure or what eva his old team was doing ?

Based upon past experience, the player will get your training.

From: zyler

This Post:
183403.24 in reply to 183403.23
Date: 4/29/2011 7:33:06 AM
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sweet :)

From: Boogz
This Post:
183403.25 in reply to 183403.24
Date: 4/29/2011 7:50:24 AM
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Game shape hasn't updated either :P

From: mickpiet

This Post:
183403.26 in reply to 183403.25
Date: 4/29/2011 7:55:06 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV ...

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This Post:
183403.27 in reply to 183403.25
Date: 4/29/2011 8:03:15 AM
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Game shape hasn't updated either

Game shape update is part of the training update, which obviously has not happened yet.

This Post:
183403.28 in reply to 183403.27
Date: 4/29/2011 8:22:53 AM
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Can anyone tell me what is the problem? Why did the delay happened?

This Post:
183403.29 in reply to 183403.10
Date: 4/29/2011 8:24:07 AM
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Same in the us as as well, i get the message, training has been completed but i look at my roster and it still shows last weeks pops.

This Post:
183403.30 in reply to 183403.26
Date: 4/29/2011 8:24:43 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV...


Same in Brazil, I believe some BB might have forgotten to run the training job due to the wedding :P

From: Milly

This Post:
183403.32 in reply to 183403.26
Date: 4/29/2011 8:31:58 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV ...

Shame on you, watching a wedding is HARD training!

Older than the rest ...