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Australia - IV.6 > Hi (hopefully bye very soon)

Hi (hopefully bye very soon)

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From: G_D

This Post:
240588.22 in reply to 240588.21
Date: 6/2/2013 12:51:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Just the winner mate...If you have any questions feel free to hit me up, I've played this game for a while.
Your teams going well, just need some patience. Injuries do hurt alot in finals.
Dont know about awesome, but they go ok lol
I doubt luck will help me in the GF :P

From: mikeshortt

To: G_D
This Post:
240588.23 in reply to 240588.22
Date: 6/2/2013 2:44:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Haha, will do, thanks for the help, haha, if you lose at least none of us have to deal with Timequake again next season, so we'll all be grateful for that.