The thing is eventually players are going to be sold, specially in the latter part of their careers. I have a NT prospect myself and selling him is a very very likely scenario, and Serbia NT manager has no say in the question.
It is obvious that it is just as hard to cheat either for farming or for sabotage.
I only focus on sabotage because it is what we have experienced in Spain's community. Being a big country big teams of managers are needed to do the workload. In that scenario farming is not possible as you dont know what the others in the NT staff would say. It is just too big a risk and thank god for that.
On the other hand we experienced an ex-national manager using a ghost team to buy Italian starting Center. He got caught and banned, and even after making a new team the community has ostracized him and has lost 4 elections in a row. Also some important assets (both prospects or actual NT players) have been subgect to different kinds of sabotaging. That is why I am so concerned.
About the BB buying players, it is not a good solution but it is a solution. Patching up some holes it could be not as bad as free farming anyway. The problem is that something that increases the workload of BB personel will not be implemented, I dont think that is the path we should walk. We need something automatic, something in the ranks of not listing banned players as FA, but with conditions that allow us protection against sabotaging.
I think the best option is just not listing banned players as FA and if the NT team is interested they should contact a GM and ask for the player to be placed in the transfer list. The workload is nearly nil as it will be a rare ocurance and only the hard part is left.
What conditions players do get placed on the transfer list and what conditions they dont.