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Why did my starters play 40+ minutes in a blowout?

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From: Nicolas
This Post:
319344.22 in reply to 319344.21
Date: 6/5/2023 9:03:06 AM
Tbilisi Mavericks
Umaglesi Liga
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Hi guys. Does proficient (9) stamina mean that if you follow depth chart he will not be substituted?
in this game, my pf didnt rest a single second while i had the player for his substitute.

Last edited by Nicolas at 6/5/2023 9:07:31 AM

From: E.B.W.

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319344.23 in reply to 319344.22
Date: 6/6/2023 1:07:57 AM
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Second Team:
Do you mean your SF? Your PF played 38 minutes.

If you are talking about the SF, generally 9 STM players do play more minutes but not all of them assuming you have some sort of capable backup. Could be a simply mis-entered lineup where something wasn't set correctly too.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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319344.24 in reply to 319344.22
Date: 6/6/2023 9:44:25 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Why do these always happen to you man xD

I had a 9 stamina player as well, and he has always played close to 40 minutes. Usually under 45. He's never played a full game unless I have him play a full game on purpose.

From: Rasho

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319344.25 in reply to 319344.16
Date: 6/6/2023 2:33:39 PM
Prva Liga BiH
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Second Team:
Why exhaustion happened today to my player? Is it possible to reduce GE to try to avoid exhaustion because it is completely drop in player's performance in 4th quarter ? Sometimes injuries happens earlier in the game and then exhaustion occur because GE cant adapt to situation. In the league final last season the best player of my team got injured in the second quarter but I still was leading till the last quarter and then exhaustion happened and destroy everything. Is it possible to reduce GE to try to avoid exhaustion if there's enough number of players on the bench?? Also 2 seasons ago my player got exhausted because of 30 seconds and was death for the rest of the game and played only 44 minutes while opponents played 52 of 58 minutes(2 OT) without any problems, without exhaustion. Where is the logic?

I got so furious today, should I lost my health because of this game? Should I get stroke and I am completly serious when I say this? I have simple question and I want simple answer. WHY SF GOT EXHAUSTED TODAY?

I used this substitution pattern.

PG.................SUB 1........SUB 1
SG.................SG.............SUB 1
SF..................SF..............SUB 1
PF..................SUB 2........SUB 2
C...................C...............SUB 3

I want to know why SF got exhauted? SUB 1 is enough good player to play enough number of minutes there. It was league mvp last season(sub 1).

Is it possible to change some things in exhaustion? If GE cant't adapt during the game and try to avoid exhaution if it is possible, then change training system or reduce minutes to 35 and life will be easier in this game.....

Almost every game I have some problem or with garbage time and not selected players getting unwanted training minutes, or exhaustion.....almost every game I get furios, lose my nerves.... Until when?

From: Rasho

This Post:
319344.27 in reply to 319344.26
Date: 6/7/2023 6:53:47 AM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I needed it in this way because of training... Sub 1 from this game was only starter(not backup or reserve) in the last game and played only 38,0 minutes. So I decided to give him some minutes in this game to get full training.
If I don't put the same starter and backup then I'll not get enough number of minutes for training but I hoped that they would avoid exhaustion with 8 men rotation like I showed with the same player as backup at pg and reserve at sg and sf. I expected little bit more minutes by this player and exhaustion surprised me.

But it's not the biggest problem. In my opinion situation that happened in the first game of the finals last season is much worse and more annoying. If some starter get early injury and you have enough (selected or not selected) bench players then GE must adapt to new situation and find a way to avoid exhaustion. It would never happen in that game without injury but second quarter injury destroyed all and caused exhaustion of another starter. It's a big problem because exhaustion is literarily like playing injured or even worse and injuries are unexpected situations which we can't predict before the game.