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Official Second Team Poll & Discussion (thread closed)

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254079.220 in reply to 254079.214
Date: 1/13/2014 8:25:16 AM
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As a supporter, I say a big NO to this idea.

Could you explain why?

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254079.221 in reply to 254079.218
Date: 1/13/2014 8:41:32 AM
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I believe its an inevitable choice.

Imagine, all of a sudden, in 2-3 seasons time, ten us or chinese or czech etc teams participating in B3. Not good.

Also, being able to go to a micronation and target B3 in no time, would make several good teams that are stuck in division I and II in their respective countries, turning their well founded teams into farms and making their secondary team, primary.

That would cause a decrease of quality in big nation leagues, a chaotic situation regarging all aspects of training and an under par B3 for many seasons.

Most of all, in this case, we're not speaking about secondary team, but two equal teams for the manager to decide what to do with them.
Straight away, this would be unfair and a huge disadvantage for the non-supporters, contadicting BB's philosophy.

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254079.225 in reply to 254079.223
Date: 1/13/2014 9:00:38 AM
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I agree with you, a lot of teams from my league are inactive, but they go bot, and then new team comes, and that is a new possibility for an active manager who will be active on forum, chat, and with whom I can talk via messages. When a foreigner joins my league he will simply take 1 place and there will be less opportunity for an active manager to arrive... I hope you understood what I am trying to say, I am not so good english speaker, and I sometimes mess up easy sentence(like in this post:D)

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254079.226 in reply to 254079.213
Date: 1/13/2014 9:03:57 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
1. draft pick ordering enables second teams to tank and hog all the best trainees
- give draft priority to local teams

Sorry Marin
Talk about taking away some of the incentive of owning a 2nd team.
So instead local teams can tank and get those choices
teams are teams, put them in with others and play with same rules or don't bother

From: kokos

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254079.227 in reply to 254079.199
Date: 1/13/2014 9:07:40 AM
Legendy Wrocław
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And @Prezes, yes, this is also to generate more money for BB, can anyone blame them? More than half of the complaints we hear have to do with stuff the admins don't have the manpower for to solve. When they generate more money, it can lead to more manpower and thus improvements.

believe me. I have no pain in ass if someone will have more money. I can afford buy a supporte rpackage (I dont have it because I dont need the functions contained there)
all I want to say is at a time when this change will come, a certain group of people will be privileged. Privileged for money in a free website game. IMO that way is wrong. thats All.

This Post:
254079.230 in reply to 254079.193
Date: 1/13/2014 9:29:42 AM
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I totally support this. One very important flaw has been brought up by Yellow Cake: secondary teams stealing top draft picks.

I suggest secondary teams get merchandise boost for NT/U21 players from the country secondary team is in. Basically I'd play in USA, train USA NT player and if he ever plays for USA NT, I get same merchandise boost as I get for my primary team when one of my NT players plays for Slovenia.

This would not only prevent the pick stealing to an extent, but secondary team would be much more welcomed in a country if it means he will contribute to their U21 or NT cause.

I would think this would already have to be in place. (This topic is going so quickly that I haven't caught up so I apologize if it's already been brought up). The fact that you're a manager from Slovenia would only apply to your second team in that you can't obtain players of Slovenian nationality by any means on your second team; as far as the second team goes, it's in the USA leagues (in this example) so the merchandise/tournament expectations/secret bonus we get against foreign clubs will all apply as it would for any other USA team.

Did I say that last part out loud? Oops.
