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BB Poland > [U21-REQUIREMENTS] - czyli wymagania dla kadrowiczów U21

[U21-REQUIREMENTS] - czyli wymagania dla kadrowiczów U21

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From: aimar

This Post:
118602.221 in reply to 118602.220
Date: 11/25/2009 2:54:56 AM
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Im afraid he hasn't been trained all this season and currently he have not any chance for our U21 team.

From: liveact

This Post:
118602.222 in reply to 118602.221
Date: 11/25/2009 7:11:26 AM
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Im afraid he hasn't been trained all this season and currently he have not any chance for our U21 team.

przy he/she/it używaj has... i nie myl mnie z oskarem;)))

From: oskar4

This Post:
118602.223 in reply to 118602.222
Date: 11/25/2009 8:14:01 AM
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Im afraid he hasn't been trained all this season and currently he have not any chance for our U21 team.

przy he/she/it używaj has... i nie myl mnie z oskarem;)))

Tu się zgodzę. Ktoś chyba używał translatora. :)

Last edited by oskar4 at 11/25/2009 8:14:16 AM

From: liveact

This Post:
118602.224 in reply to 118602.223
Date: 11/25/2009 9:06:36 AM
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z tym translatorem nie wyskakuj... ja tylko chciałem pomóc userowi, a nie napominać, tak jak ty...

From: aimar

This Post:
118602.225 in reply to 118602.222
Date: 11/25/2009 6:30:45 PM
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o co cho?
przeciez uzylem he has not...

From: liveact

This Post:
118602.226 in reply to 118602.225
Date: 11/26/2009 3:34:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
o co cho?
przeciez uzylem he has not...

za drugim razem...