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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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From: miwman

This Post:
201393.225 in reply to 201393.221
Date: 12/17/2011 3:06:00 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ok. This is it! I am out!

wise decision

From: miwman

This Post:
201393.227 in reply to 201393.226
Date: 12/17/2011 10:15:29 AM
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hard to say, but I think it would slowly vanish

This Post:
201393.228 in reply to 201393.224
Date: 12/17/2011 12:52:25 PM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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Will be worse if we supporters pull out, so you'll have to pull people in if you want improvement I guess..

You really belief of You wrote at, You really pay for everything what is not good, You go to shop, and say "fix it or would not pay"

Sorry guy but my job in real life is connected with systems, which are developed, and if system is not developed properly, in accordance to my definition I never pay for it.

The first and main thing is well developed site and system, then we can talk about new functionalities, and here we have not warking main functionalities and they gave us cross-training, elastic efect and some new functionalities.

think of it :)

This Post:
201393.229 in reply to 201393.199
Date: 12/18/2011 5:52:24 AM
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I am disappointed. It took six consecutive weeks and still not see any progress. We still have the same problems: training delays, no stats after matches etc. Today again (as a week), we have a huge training delay in Poland. I'd like to know what's going on? Why you can't fix these problems so long? Maybe we (users) really can help you?

Slovenia has been experiencing the delays too, but every week it's better. This week training was only 45 minutes late. You are really a perfectionist if this annoys you...

This Post:
201393.230 in reply to 201393.229
Date: 12/18/2011 6:24:53 AM
KS Goldena
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KS Golden Grizzlies
This week training was only 9 hours late in Poland...

We didn't get any information about delay, but we got wrong information that training was done. A lot of managers have changed training order before training update...We haven't got any explanations from BBs yet. This is annoying.

We have Sunday midday and we still don't have tables updates after yesterday's matches...Daily update was about 11 hours ago.

Last edited by kozlik4 at 12/18/2011 6:28:36 AM

From: LDR

This Post:
201393.231 in reply to 201393.4
Date: 12/18/2011 9:35:33 AM
Sandersville Preyers
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Faulknersburg Friars
I'm not sure how providing feedback hurts the game: If there are delays and people are unhappy about it, I would think the owners would want to know. What is being protected by censoring or holding back on complaints? The poster made his point; if BB wants his money, they will have to improve the product or go without their cash. What's the big deal? it's a business.

From: Lucifer

This Post:
201393.232 in reply to 201393.231
Date: 12/18/2011 9:51:06 AM
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I think the BBs should then increase the fees for becoming supporter. Obviously the money they are getting is not enough. I refuse to believe that they are lazy and not working hard enough.

"Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it."
This Post:
201393.233 in reply to 201393.76
Date: 12/18/2011 9:55:18 AM
Sandersville Preyers
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Faulknersburg Friars
No. The subject of the post was a complaint about the delays. How he manages his team is not relevant, nor is your opinion about what he should do instead of complain. I'm baffled by a GM telling another owner to like it or lump it. That makes no sense on any level to me; and I am a supporter.

From: LDR

This Post:
201393.234 in reply to 201393.232
Date: 12/18/2011 10:31:48 AM
Sandersville Preyers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Faulknersburg Friars
I think the BBs should then increase the fees for becoming supporter. Obviously the money they are getting is not enough. I refuse to believe that they are lazy and not working hard enough.

I don't think they are lazy either; the feedback provided on this forum should be seen as an opportunity to improve the game. I haven't kept track of the issues in Poland, but if they are as described, it sounds like a complaint is warranted. I don't see that as a bad thing. The man wasn't calling people names; he wasn't being disrespectful; he simply said, "Hey, if you want my money, do something about this problem." Sounds like a reasonable offer to me.

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