I'm very fortunate to have survived for a 7th season in III.7. I'd like to give myself genius cred for staying up after such a horrible team, but I wasn't paying a lot of attention this season. But it's not as if I wasn't paying any attention, and my lacksadasical attitude may even have helped, since I made up a plan which gave me a fighting chance without destroying my team for the future, and I wasn't really tempted to panic and abort the plan, not because the situation never reached panic-inducing levels of awfulness, but because I found myself unable to generate sufficient emotion for panic. To loosely paraphrase Colson Whitehead: I have an excellent poker face, because inside I am dead. Early in the year we saw with Space Von Jam what kind of success complete apathy can bring.
My first season I was picked to finish dead last, and I finished 6th, with a .500 record. This was by far my worst season, and I'd feel guilty for staying up, except the blue side's been able to coast into 6th and win home court advantage for most of the time I've been here. The only ones here from that first season are Baker Street, Blue Bucs, Rhino's Rage, and Space Von Jam, though the latter two have been elsewhere in the interim.
My team's still old, but my youngish SF, Phillip Hare, might be good enough to build around, or at least valuable enough that I can exchange him for three more old farts, to go with the four I have, and keep my head above water for one more BuzzerBeager year.
Good luck, all.