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14411.23 in reply to 14411.22
Date: 03/16/2008 14:09:40
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Beast Unleashed

Everyday is a normal day at the Hope, the home arena for Jaguarz!!! arena personnel line up for the standard procedures, stalls open for customers, air-conditioning is same as the other home games they hosted.

So maybe it isn't in the place, how about the time and date?

There's nothing special either... just maybe approx. 5 of the home audience is having their birthday that day.

These questions can be answered, but everyone on the arena are still puzzled on how, did the Polydozel giant Simeon Tongson managed a triple double.

Tongson played 39 minutes while gaining 13 points, 13 rebounds, and 10 steals. The Polydozel center is really everywhere on the court. He even managed to throw down a three pointer.

"[Tongson] never really thought about offense... even though he is a skilled offensive mammoth, he really relies his game on defense." says Sev Sarmienta, basketball analyst and former commentator. "I admire people who give defense the most priority.. because not all have that kind of mentality."

"He is our core... without him, we wouldn't be able to function this well... even if we move freely, Simeon can make it work out... offense or defense." Says All-star Nolie Corneja.

Corneja, by the way, isn't a contender for the all-star spot as his other teammate, Melencio Tanas managed to get the 2-guard votes in this season's unofficial All-star balloting. The official balloting takes place on march 19.

"Lencio is an explosive player, and i'm old!" Corneja says amusingly... "I really have no problem about it.. I'm proud to have an all-star as a teammate"

Mervyn Jamora and Tongson also are favorites in the coming all-star game. While Hipolito Guarnes is still pending prior to the official balloting. If Guarnes managed to play the all-star weekend, he will be the first Polydozel rookie to be in the all-star selection.

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14411.24 in reply to 14411.23
Date: 03/21/2008 11:15:14
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Tough playoff battle predicted in the Great 8 division

DE LA SALLE GREEN ARCHERS may seem that they have a high chance in winning promotion. they currently have the best record in the league in terms of wins, racking up 13 straight wins and an unblemished season so far for them. Teams in the Great 8 division is looking to be a very tight contest, yet the ARCHERS looked that they are still a notch higher than any team in the league.

But, they are not the Dark Horse of this league, team Polydozel is.

The ARCHERS record is 13-0 and Polydozel is at 10-3 (including a loss at ARCHERS). The ARCHERS will surely throne in the first spot, but they will surely have a hard time grasping the great 8 conference championship as team Polydozel is surely a powerful 2 spot occupier.

"the team of Katchafire recorded the most lead won per game than the ARCHERS and they only went to play 3 games in low scoring. Archers may be in advantage cause in statistics, they have the lowest points to points against ratio. but this only applies to the game flow" says Andy Jao, a recognized Philippine sports personality.

"ARCHERS play base offense but in a very scary way. they perfected the play, and then some. They know the flow and every little detail of it, and their players, especially Nordista, can play better offense even with their eyes closed." says Jao.

"Polydozel, however, is the surprise this season. They don't have the same play everytime they get on the court. because the plays are the one who is adapting to the players. each player here is remarkable on their own field. they have defense and offense virtuosos who are more comfortable in doing in their own thing, yet they blend well in the court. And they play up-tempo, and high scoring games! In short, these are two rivals which gives people a worth in their ticket money kasi labanan to ng mga masunurin at ng matitigas ang ulo! (laughs)"

"Also, the matchup is very epic-made here." Jao added. "parang nasa PBA league n tong teams n to eh... Along with the Beermen, Beasts, and Celestial Fury. They can be teams on the same caliber"

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14411.25 in reply to 14411.24
Date: 03/26/2008 02:10:25
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Best Game TGIF Manila Ever Played

Red Dragons v TGIF Manila (2607465)

*45 points defecit
*highest player rating (11.5)
*50% FG
*70 total Rebounds
*26 Assits

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14411.26 in reply to 14411.25
Date: 03/26/2008 09:13:23
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nice numbers. ^_^ keep it up

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14411.27 in reply to 14411.11
Date: 04/03/2008 21:54:44
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The unbeatable Celestial Fury(54024) has been beaten for the first time this season with a very low scoring game of 72-60(3985662) . The game last night is what the Beasts have been preparing for the last couple of weeks. The road the Cup Finals was a smooth one for the Beasts as they didn't really have much difficulty against the teams they faced.

The game last night was one of the toughest ones they had for this season. Coach Alas told his players to come out strong early in the game as he expects the Celestials to rally in the second half. Behind Cup MVP Liang Wai "Laway" Cheng(2445408) who scored 17 first half points, the Beasts posted a 14-point lead at the half. But Defense intensified at the start of the 3rd quarter with both team having trouble finding good shots. They only managed to find their range towards the end of the quarter. As expected, the Celestials made a huge rally in the 4th quarter outscoring the Beasts 8-19 with 1 minute remaining in the game. With the Beasts leading only by 4 points the Celestials opted to intentionally foul to stop the clock. With the game on the line Jorge Sarabia(2205517),who has had another poor shooting night, went to the line and calmly sank all his 6 freethrows in the suceeding plays. With excellent freethrow shooting the Beasts secured the lead on the way to winning the Cup with a 12-point lead.

Last edited by LA-Jubas at 04/04/2008 10:26:05

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...tapos wala na...
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14411.29 in reply to 14411.28
Date: 04/04/2008 06:11:31
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In response to the statement made by Coach Phil Jackson of the Celestial Punks, Coach Alas has released the following statement:

"We have expected that kind of reactions from people who can't take a loss. I mean how would you feel if your 27 game winning streak stopped by a team that you were supposed to beat. I would be crushed also. But you know, for someone to go out and trash the winner and other teams as well is just plain pathetic. I thought Coach Phil had class staying unbeaten and keeping mum about it. But I guess losing brings out the worst in you. Not to mention the misinformation within the organization where Mr. West claims they played "take it easy" then Mr. Jackson claiming they played "normal". Which is which guys?"

"Since, we're in the topic of why the Punks lost. I'll tell you why, it has come to the BB League Comission that the Punks have been gutting other teams to finance the signing of their "Star" players. Several teams under his management have been reprimanded. I guess I can freely discuss this now since the investigation is over and the Punks' Team Manager has been fired. As for him coming back with a storm, I doubt that since the League and other managers will be watching him very closely. And just a heads up for all the teams out there, once the Punks are deemed inactive their players will be out for grabs so get ready! And remember kids cheaters never win!"

And with that Coach Alas went back to the locker room to celebrate their honest and hard earned victory over the Unbeatable Punks.

Last edited by LA-Jubas at 04/04/2008 06:18:33

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...tapos wala na...
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14411.30 in reply to 14411.1
Date: 04/04/2008 11:08:21
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Fans disappointed with Nellas' showing

Hernando Nellas is a raise-eyebrow situation when he was acquired to play in team Polydozel's first season in the minor leagues, stating that he is plagued all-throughout his career and is near-reaching retirement. Many had high hopes on him when he was first drafted, and many were let down. That's why many pundits question team Polydozel's choice of player.

But after the third season of the League III.1, Polydozels seem to be the ones who were laughing as they were the surprise champions in the season.

Comeback kids, Redemptionists, The Full Restorations... these were some of the monikers used against this team, despite bearing the cup.

All this were caused by Nellas, who were one of the leading factor for this team's success, playing 14 of the 16 games of the season, playing as the number one option in offense, and second in the team in scoring, first in the team in rebounds... and steals!

It seems also that Katchafire Collie rejuvenated Nellas and made him a player again.

But now, the newly promoted is having problems with the veteran star.

"His latest injury impacted him a lot. you may think that he was traumatized" says the Polydozel trainer, Cristobal Key. "He's not exerting more than his usual."

"He's a big influence on and off the court." says Mark Tacdoro, who is doing a good job in filling in his shoes lately. "We don't rush him on his recovery. We need him in time for the playoffs. If one is weak, then the team is weak."

But the fans say otherwise.

"Nellas is very much over." says one die hard fan. "Frankly, In able for them to go further, they have to let off who are dead weight to the team." Rudely said, but true.

It's also true that if not for Nellas, even Zbynek Vyroubal, who was the first to get booted off along with a rookie, they would not have the cup, and the promotion.

"He'll be back, you cannot just assess hisability through his season play, there's still the playoffs, and that's a higher level for all the players, the ones who don't step up will be stepped over." says another Polydozel loyalty.

The team doesn't seem to do anything for the future of Nellas, who is also on his contract season... meaning that this could be his last season as a member of team Polydozel, or worse, as a player.

There's no hints whether he will retire after this season. "I don't have any plans to retire yet." says Nellas. "I still believe i can still perform for this team, but really, it's not my decision for that to happen, if they fire me after this season, so be it. But when the playoffs comes, I'll make sure that I'll play in there, and do better than what i'm playing right now. and maybe it will give the office something to think about... hehe!"

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14411.31 in reply to 14411.20
Date: 04/19/2008 22:17:19
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Ateneo Jologs pushes Mean Monstars aside

Ubaldo Nudalo Memorial Stadium - Ateneo Jologs played a home match against Mean Monstars last saturday. "It's a shame that we also have to play against teams like Mean Monstars. My players aren't going to learn much from that. I'd rather play against high-profile teams", Ateneo Jologs manager, Aldo made his low opinions about Mean MOnstars known. "We'll eat them for breakfast", retorted Aldo confidently.

The first half of the match was tough for the ateneo jologs squad, making the score 68-61 in favour of Monstars. The margin was brought down in the 3rd quarter and a scoring tug of war game in 4th quarter Ateneo Jologs was down by 5points in the last 6 seconds of 4th period until Durhan Gulbeniz made a confident three pointer cutting down the lead of Monstars to 2pts and making the foul. It was a complete party for Ateneo Jologs, with 2 freethrows of Monstars missed and getting the defensive rebound courtesy of the new Jologs cager, Sabit Azade 1 second to go proceeding to increase the lead even further: in the last second Filimon Dorotheo fished for a foul and sinking two free throws giving both teams the opportunity to throw it all out in overtime.

Justice was served in the clash between Ateneo Jologs and Mean Monstars. The squad of Aldo created more chances and their victory was well-deserved. 136-139 was the final score.

"If manager Aldo said two words to his team at half time, it was concentration and focus." - LIA CRUZ

Will Clarence Altman leave Ateneo Jologs?

Clarence Altman along with other Jologs Cagers can look forward to a new club. Ateneo Jologs mostly seems to be out for money. That is the most likely reason for the considerable price tag on Altman. "We consider this a more than reasonable price for such a quality 19 yr old Center. The fact that we can really use the money is a public secret", the manager admitted. We will have to wait and see if a club would be willing to pay the asking price, said to be around $250,000.

Last edited by LA-ubALDO Nudalo at 04/20/2008 01:34:34

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14411.32 in reply to 14411.31
Date: 04/20/2008 13:19:17
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Great 8 season ended with a three way tie to the top seed (league II.3)

This time, the division II.3's Great 8 is having a buzz worthy look: "Who is the greatest team in the league?" And right now, it is being fought on by three teams, team Polydozel, krispykreme (former DE LA SALLE GREEN ARCHERS), and -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l-.

Team Polydozel seems to be the one who will be taking the first seed. for having the best points-for to points-against ratio (just one assumption)... but if you look at past history, it may not be so.

Team Polydozel never won a game against -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l-, and may be the same also with krispykreme, if not for the team management change. Polydozel won big against others, but not in these two.

krispykreme had an emotional season after a surprising management move despite their flawless season run. The move came after the 4/1/2008 game against Batangas Blades, their first loss. Then they made an "under-the-table" move with the krispykreme management (krispykreme was playing in the II.2 league before the move). Their debut was the april 5 game against Demonix.

krispykreme never won a game after their move in league II.3, and now they are currently 2nd and should be playing against -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l-. They played once, in which, -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l- got the upper hand.

-l-ReD DrAg0nS-l- has been the surprising force in the conference. Winning 6 of their last 8 season games, and 7 out of 8 games before that, goes to show that even if they were relegated last season from league I.1, it doesn't mean that they are easy pushovers.

-l-ReD DrAg0nS-l- are predicted before the start of the season that they will be easy targets to the promotion. After the games were played, they were standing at a 6-4 record and facing a tough competitor for promotion by the name Jhoaden Nordista and the undefeated DE LA SALLE GREEN ARCHERS.

The teams were all after the promotion. Polydozel, Blades, and ARCHERS were the best bets in mid-season. and in this set-up, the spotlight was out on -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l-, and they took advantage.

after their cup run loss against Aliens Salangat, -l-ReD DrAg0nS-l- focused on the league promotion run and they had a whopping 7-1 game run, and another surprising 6-2 game run after. Floyd Alfeche was averaging about 20 points per game between these runs, and the "Rebound Inc." Jumar Tobio-Rhyan Canonizado was hoarding rebounds for wins, totaling a combined average of 25.3 rebounds per game.

"It's all about Experience, Pride, and Consistency... these are the ones who will vie for the promotion." says one basketball analyst. "-l-ReD DrAg0nS-l- carry the term 'experience'. for they are the leaders of the pack here: last season's league 1 team, last season final 256 in the cup... I'm tellin' ya, these men were challenged this season, and they are bound to get that crown."

"krispykreme follows the term 'Pride'. once 16-0 in the league, That's hard to do! carrying the emotions, the team change, new direction, new play style, new adjustments. Everything was new, and it was turmoil for them. everyone was stressed, everyone was beat down."

"But that was the Season 4 for you, and here comes the playoffs. one game elimination, it all comes down to this. they know they are Finals material, and i have a feeling it will be unleashed this Tuesday."

"team Polydozel is an interesting team for they were one of the teams who were fresh off the boats. even if they carried the term 'Division III.1champs', they know that this league that they're playing is different. It's not Division l, but it is division ll."

"What's good with team Polydozel is that they played the game in their own fashion and they're winning. 'A champion is a champion and should never be underestimated'. Now they are the dark horse of the conference and taking the first seed from the three-way-tie, and in the conference playoffs. 'Consistency' is a righteous word for them because they too, know that, they were

Last edited by Katchafire Collie at 04/20/2008 13:21:06

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14411.33 in reply to 14411.11
Date: 04/22/2008 04:18:17
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Former team Polydozel player killed in car crash

Mike Hontoria, the 2nd round pick of team Polydozel in Season 3, died Sunday morning as his car was seen wrecked to a post in Florence, Italy, sources said.

Police identified the body about 4AM in the morning, saying that the accident happened 25 minutes before the police arrived through county patrolling.

Patrolman Giulio Denaro received a report that an accident occurred and that witnesses called to send help.

"When I received the report, i hurried down road 18 in Florence, that is a very dangerous road when driving at night time, because no cat-eye hazards were in place... the roads are underdeveloped, and there are no light posts. When I arrived, many people were already there, looking on, crying, it was rally painful to see."

Hontoria was declared "Dead On Arrival" by the Ospedale Fiorentino doctors, on 5:52AM

Hontoria was drafted by league III.1 season 3 champions team Polydozel (pick 31) and even though many believed that the pick was "a steal" of the draft, the coach felt that Hontoria would be "clashing with the others".

On 2/4/2008, Hontoria was bought by the Devil's Energy Italia league V team. He played 14 games averaging 10 points, 8.5 rebounds on 25 minutes a game. Devil's Energy was booted out of the league, because of financial concerns, and because of the buy out clause and Italy league rule on not re-buying newly bought players, Hontoria was forced to be on leave.

"He was a great player, a true friend, a good kid." says the coach. "We will miss him."
