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Buzzerbeater training logic

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From: AthrunZala

To: reps
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284499.23 in reply to 284499.21
Date: 1/23/2017 9:57:34 AM
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What do you think on switching all training to 2-position without malus ? It is quite frustrating to remove guys on the road once 1v1 JS and RE is done.

for that you just plan, do single positions first and then switch to 2 position training (and get the next projects and start to train them as well)

that is counter productive from the EE point of view. the EE speeds along the training on single position training, which is why it's better to first do 2 position training, sell off some of those players and keep 3 trainees around for single position training. having EE for dual position training isn't as itneresting, since the single position training would then take longer and the dual position training shorter, which is the exact opposit of what you'd prefer to have ;)

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284499.26 in reply to 284499.10
Date: 2/18/2017 7:46:19 PM
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A mobile app won't do it. They need a new GE with ANIMATION. Even if it is a ball moving around. It is silly that I wait for 23 seconds to see some words on a page, like there is nothing happening in the first part of the shot clock.
But like the BB said. Nobody has the skills to do it. When the first GE was introduced, I was using an I Phone 3, now I am using an I Phone 7. Can you imagine trying to use an I Phone 3 right now?

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284499.28 in reply to 284499.26
Date: 2/19/2017 2:45:51 AM
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Topic: Training Logic
Content: ?????

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284499.29 in reply to 284499.28
Date: 2/19/2017 2:53:59 AM
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There is no training logic. Until we can see decimals, you will never know if training happened unless he pops. That is silly in my mind.

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284499.30 in reply to 284499.29
Date: 2/19/2017 5:40:27 AM
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
I would love to see decimals for sure, to know is my player worth a training in one skill, that would help a lot, to know is he 12,0 or 12,9 in a skill for example.

This is where we hold them!
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284499.31 in reply to 284499.30
Date: 2/19/2017 7:16:25 AM
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Like I said before....only the owner can see the decimals.
It would also make training better in the fact that you could plan based on players who are close to popping.
Let's say you have a 27 yr old that you have already stopped training but are planning a 1 on 1 F for the All Star break and this player is 15.9 in JS....I would throw him a bone and give him the training.

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284499.32 in reply to 284499.25
Date: 2/19/2017 7:19:04 AM
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No protest is needed....Every Monday when the BBs wake up and see that another 50-100 users have left the game, that is probably painful enough.

This Post:
284499.33 in reply to 284499.27
Date: 2/19/2017 7:22:53 AM
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Lucky that you don't play HT. They made a new viewer pretty recently. Still text based and you still can sit for 15 minutes or more and not get an update of what's happening in your game there.

That is why I stopped playing/watching HT. There are many manager/player based soccer franchise games for the iPhone.
I actually control the players during the games and control the team as manager....buying /selling players....upgrading the arena.......WHAT A CONCEPT!!!
