i think we all feel the staff system isn't really broken, but really isn't all that interesting. you basically have to just keep checking to make sure your trainer hasn't dropped and buy a new one when you can.. everyone gets the same chance to buy a new one.. so really it just is an added fixed cost to everyone, which i suppose means its a lower opportunity cost for higher level teams, which drives the separation larger in that way... and gives an advantage to more attentive owners.
anyway.. all in all I think all the BBs agree the current system is boring. We have had some long standing ideas of having coaches integrate into the GE so that a particular coach will make particular close call tactical decisions reproducibly and so you have to search for a coach whose coaching style matches what you think should be done.
For instance towards the end of the game when you are down there is a question of when you should start fouling, some coaches might want to start fouling sooner than others. Or if you are up by 3 do you foul in order to prevent them from getting off a 3 pointer? etc etc etc
My feeling has been that we haven't got a perfect handle on the end of game logic yet, so adding that sort of thing would confuse that optimization at this point.. but that is the best idea for how to make the staff system more interesting in my mind.