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BB USA > Big salary jumps?

Big salary jumps?

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From: stogey23

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37247.23 in reply to 37247.22
Date: 6/27/2008 7:48:24 PM
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Just going off of what seems to be an average game for him, his gate is 558K. So yes, I think he is making money.

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
From: jbmcrock

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37247.24 in reply to 37247.22
Date: 6/27/2008 8:28:21 PM
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I figure the soft cap is probably around $470k or so (with the one home game a week) - assuming that I have hit the STH cap (having lost 1300 this past season). This would give about an average salary of $36.5k for 13 players.

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37247.25 in reply to 37247.13
Date: 6/28/2008 2:45:49 PM
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Are you going to replace them with machines?

Is your team name a GBV reference? I've always figured it must be.

Yes. My original arena name was "Shrine to the Dynamic Years (Athens Time Change Riots)" but it was cut off at 'Time' and eventually changed by the powers that be.

I'm a huge Bob Pollard fan.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
37247.26 in reply to 37247.20
Date: 6/28/2008 3:35:50 PM
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at $286 230.

i will sell two players as soon as my bb3 season is over to bring my salaries down from a ny yankee level to a boston red sox level.

Luxury Tax!
