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screw level 10 PR

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38369.23 in reply to 38369.21
Date: 07/16/2008 14:10:56
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if your trying to telll that a level 7 or 8 guy is better than a lvel 10 in performance at times then its funny that we even indicated the level just to have diversity

why not get rid of it and so we are going to gamble and have that so called diverdity of yours.

same as skills if he has level 9 he would probably be btter to perform than a level 6 or 7.

if your telling me that things here are not calculable then i dont how our game engine codes reacts to this with a certain codes that are really mix up! no wonder our server needs to be check up once in a while.

you know same as real life, you pay someone to do some work and some would perfrom better than your current hire, but all im saying if your satisfied with what that employee is doing then you keep em if not then fire him. you have to get your money's worth.

i dont know how you manage your team, but it seems you dont mind paying extra for not having results and besides your winning so it covers your cost! to even say not obvious you get your money back how do we quantify that . . . .

isnt it a goal for everyteam to get the best staff possible so he could benefit from the skill and contribution of that staff? especially for those high division teams?

dont say its boring because its a fact that how things goes, you want the best you pay high, meaning if example you got a young team would you try a young coach without exprience ( lower level ) to someone who has winning record, great motivator, has a layout of how to develop players but surely he will ask much than the young coach who has nothing.

same goes for a team that needs awesome players to win, just add or 2 to them and surely they will be strong.

but results would show since they are winning more games, now that is what i mean there has to be some results to be seen im not expecting a boston tea house party here just give me something to justify a freaking faggot level 10 PR guy.

now lets not get the analogy of the portland jailblazers, or new york knicks etc we are talking on one man here! his only one he got no PR team ( who knows ) so he cant work effectively ?

From: hoo-cee

This Post:
38369.24 in reply to 38369.23
Date: 07/16/2008 14:33:17
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if your trying to telll that a level 7 or 8 guy is better than a lvel 10 in performance at times then its funny that we even indicated the level just to have diversity

In my opinion it's only good that some managers can make better choices than other ones. That's how the differences between teams will come.

same as skills if he has level 9 he would probably be btter to perform than a level 6 or 7.

Of course he would be better, but would he be so much better that he would be worth the extra wage... That's the interesting question manager should think about when hiring a PR guy...

This Post:
38369.25 in reply to 38369.23
Date: 07/16/2008 15:22:43
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if your trying to telll that a level 7 or 8 guy is better than a lvel 10 in performance at times then its funny that we even indicated the level just to have diversity

if your telling me that things here are not calculable then i dont how our game engine codes reacts to this with a certain codes that are really mix up! no wonder our server needs to be check up once in a while.

I am not telling you any of these two things.
I never said anything close about the first thing here.

for the second you misunderstood what I was saying. Everything is calculable, it just should not be so easy that anyone can clearly see if the PR man they want will win back the money they spend (and more) or not.
If it al would be too easy to calculate, it would be boring yes, since I realy don't like the idea of me being able to calculate who will win next game for sure. I want to have a clue of who has the best chances, but this doesn't mean he will win...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
38369.26 in reply to 38369.23
Date: 07/16/2008 17:52:26
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i think its realy simple with the PR guys..he increase your attendance depending on your arena and how much poeple wanna see your team..for example PR 1 0% and PR 10 maybe 10% or 15%..if your arena and fan base are big enough every 1% more can bring your team extra cash..useless to say that is make no sense to hire a PR 10 with normal attendance is around 3000..


Last edited by WillFreeman at 07/16/2008 18:00:53

This Post:
38369.27 in reply to 38369.26
Date: 07/16/2008 21:16:15
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i think we ought to make a study on this base on the ones who just hire and see results.

i mean i get the idea that no matter how good a PR guy is , if the team sucks even with 300% effort your not going to get as much results as you are on a winning team also you need to know your market or else youll end up like seattle or milwaukee.

what im thinking is surely this would benefit more of higher divisions! but to even say the stakes are high even when you base it on performance. i really dont get the idea that a level 10 guy who is an expert in that field would get such results.

This Post:
38369.28 in reply to 38369.25
Date: 07/16/2008 21:23:48
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predictability is something of anticipation and with a little math and probability could already gives us an idea of what things to come.

i agree with you even playing agianst a power house team but if donaghy was officiating it and you pay him 500k surely the game will be different.

but even with predictability i do believe in adjusting and exploiting weaknesses.

you said " it just should not be so easy that anyone can clearly see if the PR man they want will win back the money they spend (and more) or not."


"since I realy don't like the idea of me being able to calculate who will win next game for sure. I want to have a clue of who has the best chances, but this doesn't mean he will win..."

to me this are 2 things

getting results from a man who works in an environment he is in control of and not in control of.

what can he ask more, my team is of the top, winning history, i may not have the best individual players but as a team they rock!, big arena! what does he need more and im in the highest division class

in basketball playing the game needs to assess the skill of the opponent, how well you are prepared, your players skill and how the game will go such as fouls , injurt etc.

im talking about one man's work which he has control of his environment! that is all! how much calculation needed to see one man fruit of labor.

oh oh as i said im not hoping a sudden increase but a gradual thing, but all i see now is the work of my guy seems to struggle with outcomes needed to be seen.


there are times just to have good showing, some nba teams even tends to give away tickets especially against ahh bad teams.

while the PR guy device ways of making like package promo, like buy 4 games tickets for how much. yes he will call first the season ticket holders but i do believe a lot of these people already bought em before the season started.

he has to work on getting more people to come to games, or probably run publicity thing to entice and make the city feel good abotu the team and get more support!

Last edited by Shoei at 07/16/2008 21:42:35

From: Shoei

This Post:
38369.29 in reply to 38369.28
Date: 07/17/2008 17:17:57
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come on guys! arent we a lot here to get some input!

can i hear from those who did said they are getting 6 digits of revenue from merchandise! im really curious as to how you do it

or those who get big attendance?

This Post:
38369.30 in reply to 38369.27
Date: 07/19/2008 02:26:51
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It might be only me, but I have a very hard time understanding what you are trying to say here:

what im thinking is surely this would benefit more of higher divisions! but to even say the stakes are high even when you base it on performance. i really dont get the idea that a level 10 guy who is an expert in that field would get such results.

Could you please try to clarify this?

This Post:
38369.31 in reply to 38369.30
Date: 07/19/2008 04:36:18
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I think that the influence of a PR guy should be unstable and the attendeance should depend on lot more things, somehow like it is now

good or a bad PR guy - they should be worth both (one or other) in some situation

From: Shoei

This Post:
38369.32 in reply to 38369.31
Date: 07/19/2008 04:47:07
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so with this to my understanding

there is a factor of a good and bad hire?

meaning someone was manage to get even chosen by our bloody staff hiring list wherein only one is recommended every week. how poor is our staff choosing.

i think something is really wrong with this staff hiring thing, i hope it changes next season.

because even bad apples get to be listed wherein in fact he cant do anyt any work at all.

This Post:
38369.33 in reply to 38369.30
Date: 07/19/2008 04:55:50
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what i meant here is

hiring great ( level 9 or 10 ) PR guys would surely benefit those teams that has high competition or level of game play which im sure division 1 and 2.1 are.

but even with this that having the highest level of games, the top of all division, the PR level 10 guy is still having hard time. base on my performance when i havent hire a level 10 guy, my merchandise sales is consistent at 35k a week even with a few losses but when i hire him the highest i saw is 40k but as the weeks goes by it never surpass that and the worst part it would even drop.

even at the highest competition, surely like the nba you dont need to ask around that much about it, but you know since its marketing, publicity etc already covers a lot.

add this to your teams performance meaning im not a losing team, i have winning history, im on top if i fall to 2nd place does that hurt my attendance so much even with a few losses that the PR guy cant seem to get his work going?

how much support does he needs just to see results.

i just stated the merchanside sales is one thing but my attendance seems to really take a beating im shock to see like 7k or 8k attendance lost

Last edited by Shoei at 07/19/2008 04:57:16
