Ok, so I'm pretty sure I had it right for pace. I was confused in terms of inside/outside focus... So maybe you have it right. Let's see if we can agree now.
-indeed, what you said above is true. If you go run and gun, your outside looks will be of higher quality but your inside looks will suffer.
-what you may be missing (but that again, maybe not) is that the distribution of looks gets skewed. So if you go run and gun, you will get many more outside looks and much fewer inside looks.
In the sample match that you took, you went run and gun. So, if you look at what the rules say, it is no surprise that your C and PF didn't take many shots, even though it looks like they were the better options.
Another portion of the rules that might be pause for thought as to why your inside guys don't shoot much:
A player must decide whether the opportunity presented is good enough to take a shot… this of course changes as a function of amongst other things… the shot clock, the players experience, the score of the game, the history of the quality of shots the team has seen recently, the offense the team is running, and whether that rookie shooting guard of yours thinks he knows better than the coach does
I have always wondered about that last part... Is there a hidden trait that players have that influences how much they shoot?
Run of the Mill Canadian Manager