on the slow painful path of trying to catch some of those behemoth german stadiums
1. Salisbury Auerbachs- 28000
2. nth_mlb_giants- 26000
3. Fort Worth Flyers- 25000
4. King Drive Ballers- 21127
5. Bruins- 21050
6. Chicago Bulls- 18277
7. Wake Forest- 18275
8. Ice Storm BC- 17979
9. DC Dribble Penetrators- 16875
10. Walking Through This Door- 16659
11. The Kievan Cossacks- 16575
12. Inland Emperors- 16400
13. I’ll Replace You With Machines- 16294
14. LCD Celtics- 15550
15. Demon Hoosiers- 15369
16. Raleigh Roughriders- 15000
17. Pennsylvania Quakers- 14997
18. Bobo’s- 14813
19. Southsound Sentinels- 14470
20. Meridian Hill McMornings- 14460
"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt