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Suggestions > Remove possibility to play TIE

Remove possibility to play TIE

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From: CrazyEye

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125223.24 in reply to 125223.22
Date: 12/28/2009 8:10:00 AM
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i have alot of fun in league, and in NT games.

Mutual TIE's exist in NT games too. As a U21 coach I have been on both ends of offering and receiving offers. As an assistant to the full NT it has happened too. NT games are very much effected by enthusiasm, mutual tie's, and even broken agreements. I'd prefer to see how it plays out when talent and tactical coaching decides games.

but they are also often broken, i could remember two games like that in the last season with german participation(we are the victim, but thats the risk of it). But talent and tactical decision also play a big role, but more into it guves small teams the chanche to amke a surprise(at least thats often the reason why i flew out of the cup, and i think this make this competition enjoyable for me and my opponennts)

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/28/2009 8:11:15 AM

This Post:
125223.25 in reply to 125223.24
Date: 12/28/2009 8:21:48 AM
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I think that there is an option to force managers to more think about TIE games. If there would be any impact on volume of visitors, this could solve the problem. I can clearly imagine that on highest leagues is necessary to do mutual TIEs, to have any advantage, but this is not good for the game itself. But also would not be good if there would exist any lineary relation between "how many TIEs, less attendeance you will have", because if you choose oftenly a strategy TIE/CT, you should not be financially punished just because you are creative and use aditional kind of strategy. So only thing which have to be fixed is the behaviour of these, which do only TIE TIE TIE TIE NORMAL TIE TIE NORMAL....

Imagine that if your team lack the effort continuosely, people will start to be bored about your games. On the other side if you play upside down, every game differently, this should be little bit more benefited, because nobody can predict what you will do next time.

On the other side I dont think that should be punished that kind of strategy, in which you "sacrifice" several games to boost your enthusiasm for the key match or playoff. So the solution should be more long-term oriented - so you will start to lose attendeance after a month of TIE games with no CT, not less or something like that. What do you think?

From: kksspp

This Post:
125223.26 in reply to 125223.25
Date: 12/28/2009 9:23:24 AM
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Any team should be allowed to play all games TIE if it wants to, but should be punished if tries to arrange mutual TIE. For example, someone offers me to play mutual TIE, I report about it and opponents get punished (with 0:25 loss and some money penalty - or anything else) so it would be great for teams who don't want to play mutual TIE. Everything should be decided in game not through collusions

This Post:
125223.27 in reply to 125223.25
Date: 12/28/2009 9:33:56 AM
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I would not do it.

I play most of my games TIE TIE --- TIE then Normal then tie tie... etc. This allows me to build enthusiasm and improve my defenses and also it is a good strategy to try to win selected key games.

Mutual TIEs are a reallity of BB because it is a dominant strategy in competitive leagues. The main thing to look here, in my perspective, is not to evaluate if this is realistic or not but to think what are we winning and loosing.

Wich other system will allow this kind of strategies but that can not prevent the collusion? Not that I can think of. The reason is simple (in my view): The incentives are bound. If there is any sort of behaviour that would allow you to start building a competitive edge (Tie with enthusiasm) and everybody can use it, then, you should expect that people will try to avoid the costs (TIE against normal) if they can. Of course, you do not want to play to all your games TIE and not all your games normal, not in my view at least.

Finally, any sort of limitation to the TIEs (to try avoid collusion) would harm the fun tool of the CT with high enthusiasm against that much more stronger team you want to beat and it will also make easier for that bigger team to win (even if he can also build enthusiasm). Then again, if we change to a system like the one used in PO, the same kind of incentives will remain and the strategy will be to go for ¿mutual PO normal?

I do not think the system is perfect and it have some good things and some bad ones. In my own opinion, the good ones do pay off the bad ones.

Last edited by Zero, the Magi. at 12/28/2009 9:34:26 AM

From: brian

This Post:
125223.28 in reply to 125223.26
Date: 12/28/2009 9:59:42 AM
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It's impossible to accurately monitor and punish those that mutual tie, so this will 100% never happen.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
125223.29 in reply to 125223.26
Date: 12/28/2009 10:11:30 AM
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Any team should be allowed to play all games TIE if it wants to, but should be punished if tries to arrange mutual TIE. For example, someone offers me to play mutual TIE, I report about it and opponents get punished (with 0:25 loss and some money penalty - or anything else) so it would be great for teams who don't want to play mutual TIE. Everything should be decided in game not through collusions

As stated many times by the BB Team, this is not going to happen.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: Kivan

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125223.30 in reply to 125223.25
Date: 12/28/2009 10:14:01 AM
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I don't see TIE as a lack of effort... just a relaxed way of playing... an easy going almost show-like performance where players tend to play more attractively than when they CT and will do anything and everything to win...

From: aigidios

This Post:
125223.31 in reply to 125223.26
Date: 12/28/2009 11:13:08 AM
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Any team should be allowed to play all games TIE if it wants to, but should be punished if tries to arrange mutual TIE. For example, someone offers me to play mutual TIE, I report about it and opponents get punished (with 0:25 loss and some money penalty - or anything else) so it would be great for teams who don't want to play mutual TIE. Everything should be decided in game not through collusions

You are right in the point of mutual TIE, I was focused on a little different thing.

Well I think that is possible to avoid mutual TIE itself. Try to look at that thing by this way - how many times anybody usually get by "accident" TIE game on both sides? The probability that you will TIE and the other team do the same is quite small. So what if there would be implemented a simply rule that if you play more than (lets say) 3 games in a month like this, the next match with TIE on both sides would be for your teams effort setted automaticly before it starts, like you would play NORMAL.

Last edited by aigidios at 12/28/2009 11:14:14 AM

From: Kivan

This Post:
125223.32 in reply to 125223.31
Date: 12/28/2009 11:24:31 AM
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I don't think it would work...
I see a lot of games played TIE in my country, some managers play tie almost exclusively...
and some teams play TIE against teams they know they can't win even with CT, and those teams will also play TIE all the time
so that way people would get punished for choosing a strategy for their team.

From: aigidios

This Post:
125223.33 in reply to 125223.30
Date: 12/28/2009 11:24:42 AM
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Is quite sympathic to see anyone who look like is barely trying, but in fact wins everything he touch. Indeed.

This Post:
125223.34 in reply to 125223.31
Date: 12/28/2009 11:25:07 AM
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Any team should be allowed to play all games TIE if it wants to, but should be punished if tries to arrange mutual TIE. For example, someone offers me to play mutual TIE, I report about it and opponents get punished (with 0:25 loss and some money penalty - or anything else) so it would be great for teams who don't want to play mutual TIE. Everything should be decided in game not through collusions

You are right in the point of mutual TIE, I was focused on a little different thing.

Well I think that is possible to avoid mutual TIE itself. Try to look at that thing by this way - how many times anybody usually get by "accident" TIE game on both sides? The probability that you will TIE and the other team do the same is quite small. So what if there would be implemented a simply rule that if you play more than (lets say) 3 games in a month like this, the next match with TIE on both sides would be for your teams effort setted automaticly before it starts, like you would play NORMAL.


Last edited by Edju at 12/28/2009 11:25:19 AM

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live