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Training Bug

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From: zyler

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183403.24 in reply to 183403.23
Date: 4/29/2011 7:33:06 AM
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sweet :)

From: Boogz
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183403.25 in reply to 183403.24
Date: 4/29/2011 7:50:24 AM
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Game shape hasn't updated either :P

From: mickpiet

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183403.26 in reply to 183403.25
Date: 4/29/2011 7:55:06 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV ...

Si vous êtes fans de poker, je viens de créer une fédération à ce sujet. On s'organise des tournois en ligne de temps en temps. Si vous avez déjà rejoint 5 fédérations ou êtes actuellement sans l'option Supporter, vous pouvez toujours me contacter pour avoir des infos supplémentaires (
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183403.27 in reply to 183403.25
Date: 4/29/2011 8:03:15 AM
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Game shape hasn't updated either

Game shape update is part of the training update, which obviously has not happened yet.

This Post:
183403.28 in reply to 183403.27
Date: 4/29/2011 8:22:53 AM
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Can anyone tell me what is the problem? Why did the delay happened?

This Post:
183403.29 in reply to 183403.10
Date: 4/29/2011 8:24:07 AM
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Same in the us as as well, i get the message, training has been completed but i look at my roster and it still shows last weeks pops.

This Post:
183403.30 in reply to 183403.26
Date: 4/29/2011 8:24:43 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV...


Same in Brazil, I believe some BB might have forgotten to run the training job due to the wedding :P

From: Milly

This Post:
183403.32 in reply to 183403.26
Date: 4/29/2011 8:31:58 AM
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If the players had trained instead of watching the English wedding on TV ...

Shame on you, watching a wedding is HARD training!

Older than the rest ...
From: Kukoc
This Post:
183403.33 in reply to 183403.32
Date: 4/29/2011 8:42:41 AM
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Seriously guys. Constantly the same problems arise. This really sucks for managers who want to set tacs for the weekend and go on a family trip. This is the second time it has happened when I especially have made plans to go.
Well can we move the training to thursday evening then? No we can't, because the server is usually broken trying to update the running games/cup (if the games even start on time).
So perhaps we could move the training update to wednesday. Oh no we can't, we have laggy sh** going on because of BBB games. Useless crap.
NB! GS and pops matter or else I would set tacs for the entire season (and only mod them when injuries occure or roster changes). <- to all the smartasses...

Last edited by Kukoc at 4/29/2011 8:43:26 AM

This Post:
183403.34 in reply to 183403.33
Date: 4/29/2011 9:04:36 AM
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I hope you get serious punishment for this post, children could read this offensive language!!11
