Depending on "luck" is gambling and going for it is a strategic decision. I don´t really see the point in the "ooooh, my old player is all of a sudden worthless" claims - that´s why he carries his age. You have to expect "random downs", even in an extreme outcome. Pretty ... expectable. Guess some people have to ...
(1) ... think twice before buying old guns.
(2) ... invest some money in a coach with the special ability "career extension" (or whatever it´s called in english).
(3) ... expect a valuable player from the start of the season beeing a useless one come playoffs.
We need the bunch of old men to become worthless at some point, so that there´s a "loss" of talent, else the see of high skilled players will sooner or later overflow. And the more "surprising" and even radical this might happen, the more people get interested in training some mid-20ies for their own use, instead of just viewing the young guns below 23 as money machines and the players above 29 as the real stuff for playing.
Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...