Kot je v navadi pri časopisih, da dva dni po tekmi domače reprezentance objavijo odzive iz tujega tiska, sem tukaj zbral nekatere napovedi in odzive iz Nemškega, Francoskega, Grškega in Estonskega tabora. Čisto vsi so nas podcenjevali in v takšni situaciji je zmaga najslajša

Preden gremo k komentarjem, sem hotel razčistiti še eno zadevo, ki mi jo je vrgel naprej nemški selektor:
the first quarter is terrible -.- and as far as i see there is a big surprise: you are playing LI ;) like 99% of the other teams
Kdor je zapazil kakšen moj komentar na Global English forumu, ve, da imam poln kufer notranjih taktik in poskušam najti nove napade, ki bodo bolj učinkoviti od Look inside - od Outside Isolation do Gibanja in še česa. Vendar to ne pomeni, da iz principa z U21 ekipo ne bom igral Look inside, če bo ta napad najbolj primeren za našo ekipo. Tu se ne gre, da igram enako taktiko kot 99% ostalih ekip. Če bi imeli ekipo šuterjev, bi rajši igral Teci in Vrzi (Run and Gun), seveda pa nikakor ne Gibanje, ker nisem Božiček

Druga stvar so TIE dogovori (dogovori za igranje z levo roko). Sem odločno proti njim, saj lahko to dogovarjanje pomembno vpliva tudi na ostale tekme ter nepošteno poseže v "pravičnost" sistema. Francoski selektor recimo ve, da bi mi realno gledano morali igrati z normalno zavzetostjo, da premagamo Nemčijo. Dosegli smo zmago, vendar z levo roko in pridobili nepošteno prednost z dogovorom (kot da bi se dve ekipi v NBA zmenili, da za določeno tekmo igrajo samo z rezervami, zato da spočijejo igralce - to ni fer do njihovih naslednjih nasprotnikov, kajne?). Zato sem z rahlo težkim srcem nemškemu selektorju poslal predlog za TIE dogovor. Poslal pa sem ga zato, ker želim uporabiti vse "zakonite" načine za zmago ter moram svoje principe pustiti zadajm, saj ste me volili zato, da zmagujem in ne zato, da uveljavljam svoje principe.
Evo...zdaj, ko sem se malo "olajšal", sledi "pregled tiska"

Nemčija:First game and it was confirmed what has become visible against the Swiss, rebounds, what is it? 57 to 36 rebounds for the Slovenes ... We were brought under the boards again. The Bigs both the Slovenes have got 26 rebounds, only 10 less than our whole team. -. - 20 driving layups, the Slovenians have set. 9 of which were successful in the form of points or fouls. were 12 dunks of the Slovenian side. All 12 were successful. Nine hits and three times we have fouled. This is again a ratio of 100%. Tip 9 ins .. and 9 successes. 7 hits and 2 fouls ... This also means 100%.
Francoske napovedi nekaterih uporabnikov:Slovenia - Germany -> Germany, 85-78
Slovenia vs Germany => Germany, 90-81
Slovenia - Germany 77-90
Slovenia - Germany : 82-101
In Francoska predstavitev Slovenije:Slovenia : On the last two editions of the European Championships, the Slovenes have always failed in the soft underbelly of their group but c 'point average was only four seasons ago. The final confrontation between Blueberry and small Slovenes date of 14 season, we had beaten that of just one point (12,410) ... but we were European Champions after. Maybe a sign? Anyway, pay attention to them despite their 48th place in the world! The manager is another member of the BB-Staff, namely LA-Koperboy who began his first term with this team.
Par Grških komentarjev:so you must attack France and Estonia (and the Germans have a good tradition but today did tpt great, maybe the Slovenes are stronger than expected this year)
And in all that we had and the defeat of Germany (with the same mood Slovenia)
Estonski komentar:another big surprise in our subgroup served Slovenia, winning convincingly Germany. 22-point victory, the teams played an equal inspiration. analyze these games and make their own conclusions.