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BB España > [Ñ]Europeo 4ª J - Bielorrusia

[Ñ]Europeo 4ª J - Bielorrusia

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From: jacobomd

This Post:
240034.24 in reply to 240034.23
Date: 4/7/2013 4:53:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Bielorrusia

104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone

From: guismo
This Post:
240034.26 in reply to 240034.25
Date: 4/8/2013 7:41:49 AM
Narahio CB
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC Piñeiro
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

This Post:
240034.27 in reply to 240034.26
Date: 4/8/2013 8:05:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

This Post:
240034.28 in reply to 240034.27
Date: 4/8/2013 8:35:29 AM
Extreme Kings
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Red Vintage
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
119 - 88 (+31) = > Noel
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

From: t_mag
This Post:
240034.29 in reply to 240034.28
Date: 4/8/2013 8:41:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yeahh II
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
119 - 88 (+31) = > Noel
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
131 - 96 (+35) => t_mag
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

This Post:
240034.30 in reply to 240034.29
Date: 4/8/2013 9:52:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
119 - 88 (+31) = > Noel
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
131 - 96 (+35) => t_mag
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
121 - 84 (+37) => Nevado88
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

From: Slevin
This Post:
240034.31 in reply to 240034.30
Date: 4/8/2013 11:23:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
119 - 88 (+31) = > Noel
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
113 - 80 (+33) => Slevin
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
131 - 96 (+35) => t_mag
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
121 - 84 (+37) => Nevado88
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

From: Clares
This Post:
240034.32 in reply to 240034.31
Date: 4/8/2013 11:44:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ñ - Bielorrusia

99-98 (+1) => grullo
104 - 90 (+14) => Ordog
112 - 94 (+18) => Galactus herald
120-100 (+20) => Feder Max
116 - 94 (+22) => lobosp87
111 - 89 (+22) => ultimate22
111 - 88 (+23) => nowitzki_5
118-95 (+23) => jiturbe
126-102 (+24) => litur
124-100 (+24) => Notfound
127-102 (+25) => drama7
125-100 (+25) => Dagran
117-91 (+26) => Permutado
113-86 (+27) => Tatamka
117-90 (+27) => Chosenone23
118 - 90 (+28) => Platinum
122 - 93 (+29) => Pepelu
120 - 90 (+30) => cesar89
119 - 88 (+31) = > Noel
124-92 (+32) => jacobomd
113 - 80 (+33) => Slevin
121-88 (+33) => DonQuinho
123 - 89 (+34) => Pablo852
131 - 96 (+35) => t_mag
122 - 86 (+36) => matxone
121 - 84 (+37) => Nevado88
130 - 90 (+40) => clares
128 - 84 (+44) => guismo

From: litur

This Post:
240034.33 in reply to 240034.32
Date: 4/8/2013 5:38:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Puntuación de la porra:

25 puntos => acertar el resultado correcto
10 puntos => acertar la diferencia correcta
6 puntos => fallar la diferencia en 1 o 2 puntos
3 puntos => fallar la direrencia en 3, 4 o 5 puntos
1 punto => acertar el ganador del partido

Puntos extras:

5 puntos => por acertar la puntuación exacta de uno de los dos equipos (es acumulable a las puntuaciones anteiores menos a la de acertar el resultado correcto).
3 puntos => por fallar la puntuación exacta de uno de los dos equpos en un punto (es acumulable a las puntuaciones anteiores menos a la de acertar el resultado correcto).
1 puntos => por fallar la puntuación exacta de uno de los dos equpos en dos puntos (es acumulable a las puntuaciones anteiores menos a la de acertar el resultado correcto).

Un sentimiento, unos colores, una pasión: CHORIMA BASKET
From: litur

This Post:
240034.34 in reply to 240034.33
Date: 4/8/2013 5:44:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Resultados de la 4ª jornada:

noel => 10 ptos.
cesar89 => 6 ptos.
DonQuinho => 6 ptos.
jacobomd => 6 ptos.
ordog => 6 ptos.
Pepelu => 6 ptos.
slevin => 6 ptos.
chosenone23 => 3 ptos.
Matxone => 3 ptos.
pablo852 => 3 ptos.
permutado => 3 ptos.
Platinum => 3 ptos.
t_mag => 3 ptos.
tatamka => 3 ptos.
clares => 1 ptos.
dagran => 1 ptos.
drama7 => 1 ptos.
Feder Max => 1 ptos.
Galactus Herald => 1 ptos.
grullo => 1 ptos.
guismo => 1 ptos.
jiturbe => 1 ptos.
litur => 1 ptos.
lobosp87 => 1 ptos.
Nevado88 => 1 ptos.
Notfound => 1 ptos.
Nowitzki_5 => 1 ptos.
ultimate22 => 1 ptos.

Un sentimiento, unos colores, una pasión: CHORIMA BASKET