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BB Lietuva > Lietuva NT

Lietuva NT (thread closed)

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From: Ciuvas

This Post:
294370.24 in reply to 294370.23
Date: 6/29/2018 6:09:30 AM
BC Gavrikai
Overall Posts Rated:
Congrats for an awesome job that you did so far, lol funny fact is that for the last 3 games all ending by beating teams by 12 points. I'm sure now, you won't have any doubters left as to your contribution to our NT and your favouritism towards your own country's NT will be gone after such a game. I had never doubted your work, go for the gold that's all I can wish for you to do.Again, many many congrants :)

From: Bagis

This Post:
294370.27 in reply to 294370.26
Date: 7/2/2018 2:55:48 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
-10 ketvirtam kėlinyje... tikrai taip - baisus fiasko, dulkinimas totalus...
