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Best Way to start?

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From: E.B.W.

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319537.24 in reply to 319537.21
Date: 7/28/2023 11:21:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
If your sole purpose on BB is going to be to hate on the game and tell newer users to not join, please leave.

No one wants you to “open people’s eyes” by being negative and ruining others experience. It’s annoying and distasteful. If you dislike the game as much as you say, stop playing. It’s not that hard.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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319537.25 in reply to 319537.23
Date: 7/29/2023 10:11:08 AM
Prva Liga BiH
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Second Team:
That is not true. Stamina progress is minor with a nutritionist of the highest level. That's what people with experience said. I have had a level 3 or 4 nutritionist all the time for years. No player has ever improved in stamina. It only helped that they didn't lose skills often. But once in a few years it happens that a player loses a skill. With the highest level of nutritionist, it happens once every few years that a player increases his stamina. Cross training for 3 and a half years did not bring any pop up in stamina, and I have gym lvl 3.

I paid hundreds of thousands for nutritionist salaries and it didn't bring me anything. I have been paying a lvl 6 sports psychologist for years, I have paid millions for it and what happened when some players played 110 minutes for the first time? Their game shape dropped from 9 to 7, as happens to those who do not have a sports psychologist. I would understand if it drops from 9 to 8 because of a sports psychologist, but 7 is too much for that level and price of a sports psychologist.

But OK. I think it pays to have a sports psychologist and that having one brings good results compared to those who don't. I just think that when some players play 110 minutes once in a few seasons, that drop in game shape must be smaller.

From: Rasho

This Post:
319537.26 in reply to 319537.24
Date: 7/29/2023 10:19:54 AM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
It is fair to them that they know what awaits them in the future. No lies, no deception. Just the bare truth. New players deserve to know what to expect in 2027. when they will be near the end of the training.

You need to retain new managers with the truth, not with lies. The truth is the only way to keep new managers and to prevent this decline in users.

From: E.B.W.

This Post:
319537.27 in reply to 319537.26
Date: 7/29/2023 10:52:00 AM
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Second Team:
Your opinion is not omnipotent factual truth. There are hundreds if not thousands of managers who train effectively, hit stamina training a few times in the process, and avoid the hurdles that you find unachievable. Perhaps you just never considered that your way is not the only way.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
This Post:
319537.28 in reply to 319537.25
Date: 7/29/2023 12:30:30 PM
Tampines Fusion
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I have had a level 3 or 4 nutritionist all the time for years. No player has ever improved in stamina. It only helped that they didn't lose skills often. But once in a few years it happens that a player loses a skill. With the highest level of nutritionist, it happens once every few years that a player increases his stamina. Cross training for 3 and a half years did not bring any pop up in stamina, and I have gym lvl 3.

Some times, reading helps. Let me quote my previous reply:
Get yourself a level 3 gym and a level 6 or 7 nutritionist and you'll see your player's stamina pop without even needing to train.

Stamina drop only stops completely when you hire a level 6 nutritionist. So of course you're not getting results with a level 3-4 one, no matter how many decades you have them. Did it occur to you that you're 2-3 levels below the minimum level I mentioned? With a level 3 gym and a level 6 nutritionist I've even seen instances where my players stamina pop twice in a season.

Last edited by BuzzRBeater at 7/29/2023 12:30:55 PM

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319537.31 in reply to 319537.28
Date: 7/31/2023 12:38:28 AM
Wavy Gates
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Dribbling Souls
Omg, he set himself up with that, this is side of BB I LOVE. Shutting down Bs when necessary

From: Rasho

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319537.33 in reply to 319537.27
Date: 8/1/2023 6:19:38 PM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yeah it is ok to have stamina training sometimes while you train 150 tsp players. No problem then.

This Post:
319537.34 in reply to 319537.28
Date: 8/1/2023 6:25:37 PM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I had only once drop with lvl 4 nutricionist. So dropping is not a problem. I want your evidience.
I want you to show research and evidence for the claim that stamina increases 2 times in a season with nutritionist level 6 and gym level 3. Is it for one player or for all players in the team?

You should open a new topic and write your experience. Other managers will also write their experience. But from what I read about nutritionist on the forum, there is not a single level that can raise stamina to a satisfactory level because it takes years to grow.
