But what i want to point out is that the system is too extreme. Scoring only 2 for not doing enough to make the team better is extreme, this has been my first season and i struggle to get cash together, i have been able to buy 2 half-decent players and that's about it. The fans should take into consideration the bank balance before being so harsh. They should also look into what kind of trainer the team has, how much the club pays out in salaries and staff...because they all help to make the team better!
But i don't understand how the valuation of the Cup run can change all of a sudden, when it has been at 5 for many many weeks. Maybe you're right and the PR guy asked some demanding fans....but the fans should know that this was our 1st season in existence, so their reponse should be even better!
And about the arena, maybe i should lower the prices, but i prefer having a bit more expensive prices and not filling up than having cheaper prices and maxing out the arena (because i have the feeling i could be missing on some cash)