They don't care ,in my opinion on certain things to fix. Just sitting on the hands of them with certain things, instead of come out and say look it can not be done. I think some things like LI dominance is a political money factor item. BB can't touch it.
If I remember correct they added a few things to ease LI up.? Sb, Gdp, feature. . Its no cure for cancer, or tissue for the nose either. Play one new tatic a week & they will play low post. I don't think the numbers coming back up soon.. I don't think those people just got a personal life so heavy and so they walked away. I work every day and travel too . 1 hour or 30 minutes or less, I can do my whole week line up. Sometime 2 weeks line up. To be fair im not everybody so I can t speak for them. Im just making a valid point.
The problem is they take to long to fix what really need to be fixed. If im a broken record on that to some here ,then look, I'm not the only one. ALot rather keep their mouth shut, and some just leave. Because what good will it do to speak up.
The issue in one way is , they shunned the ones who wants what best for BB, and listen to the ones who want what best their ball club or advantage( $$). I never put my ball club over any rule or anyone for that matter.. I love outside tactic to death but you know what. I'd be 1st one here to say if they over powering , tone it down. I'd be 1st on here to say ,this beat that and this what you need to play it. For all to use and understand open for debate.
You don't see the Chinese managers coming to the Boards telling, all how build a 2oyrs that better than a long time nt players? cost millions+ to buy at 20. If it about training where are those threads beyond do 1 player training... everybody always coming out with this or that step to do with training.
But None of they're players are looking like the Chinese at 20. Stuff like that would help the game. Stuff what of you need to play unpopular tactics Is important. It shouldnt be a insult debate among one another of who got the biggest u know what.. A lot things need to be fixed for the better , but thing is flat out up and down .This is a LI/lp game because it cheap to build it.
Why waste millions building a Os team. All you need is outrageously strong defense with LI /LP and your set. You cant the same for Paitinent or motion ,r&G. I had a pait team and strong defense for 1 whole season 1400/ 1500 given up but I lost in the playoffs that year to LI used by the foe. MY Roster wage was I think 224k$ a week, This in 4 league here. Image what I needed to have in 3 div. 2 div. nbba.?? Just becuase I used OS team I couldn't not win with 224K a week . Balanced team as well. No flaws that season
We can sit and pick the turkey of facts. of this factor or and blah blah. factor. But the truth is it took me 6 season to put that team together around 2-3 million+. the majority of the skill was defense, I made sure there wsnt one damn flaw come playoff time.. Just because he played LI he won.. Defense avg for my team was 13/14 that year. Them the breaks for me. I assume others as well.. I wanted to quit that night, At same time. I always feel they will turn it around to a fair game.? But im not going hold my water on that.
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 10/2/2014 11:55:45 PM