I think that would not be great problems for BBB,because the difference among the first divisions all over the world is quickly closing up,and so the difference in a possible new system,as everyone can see from the TV contract all over the world,so it's not a real argument;among the top users the only that could be really penalized is Superfly(I would be sorry,I have nothing against him,it would be his country to being too weak)
The mistake that BBs make last time that they pump up money in the system,was exactly to not calculate that giving money to everyone independently from their economic situation,would only boost the prices without really change the equilibrium on the market to penalize less than in the previous situation the users of big countries,especially in lower divisions,that was the original goal of BBs(I think)
The incomes have not to be raised for everyone at the same level,it should work on the max arena attendance,if italian league is more competitive than the X league,if the X league has a max attendenc of 10000 people in the III division,the italian III division should have a 12000 max attendence(these are not precise numbers,its only an example),so the best team in the III division would have the incomes for 12000 peolpe,the worst the incomes of 10000 people and so on...