and in many cases you would be wrong, and when i said you dont know what the def is , i meant you dont know what level of def your up agaisnt a awful outside shooter could hit 4-5 3pt if his defender had pitiful outside def, granted it would not happen often, but it could happen in one game and that is exactly what this is one game.
everyone that knows what there doing in this game understands this and knows that the box score is the last thing you look at and has little to no bearing on your choice in the draft.
the only real time it would come into efect and then still its very unreliable is when you have 2 identical players within your draft info.
OH and you one ball me for a post trying to help shaq understand that he again is using the wrong info, yes it came across very direct but over time ive learnt you have to be direct with shaq or he doesnt learn.
Last edited by zyler at 3/16/2010 3:06:07 PM