Its not like you are getting some benefit from having money in the bank, you can't cash it out of the game, you can't pass it on to your grandkids.
I'm sure I can answer and for sure you'll understand my reply. About the sentence here above there are 2 aspects to consider: 1) I remeber very well season 8 and season 9. Teams that sold every players at the end of season 9 had the money that worthed 5 times more, imho this should never happened again
2) If you want to spend the money you're talking where you can invest it? Not in the arena (capped), in specialist you can invest one time per season (in general not huge cash) so I can see only one way to spend the money = transfer list.
If what I've written is correct the prices can only go up (probably slowly but still up)
Though it is true we don't want the best players to be unaffordable, cause that is sort of silly.. and that's the reason for the new salary changes.
I disagree on that, you should let free everyone to decide which is the best player to buy and to pay. I think that some teams in BBB showed that is not necessary to have people that costs 400k/week to be competitive, these are monster bad buit you should have only to avoid the creation of teams that train these monsters only for the national team; could you tell me why you want to give a value to players trained at lvl 20 in one or two skills, it is necessary that these players will continue to exist giving them a value in the market?
About your point nu.3 it seems to me that 1m from second to first division is today a very small bonus, there are teams that prefer to win the tournament and not promoted...
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