We need the bunch of old men to become worthless at some point, so that there´s a "loss" of talent, else the see of high skilled players will sooner or later overflow.
i don't want the opposite, i am also think the bb should reduce the avaible talent. I just don't like the randomes in downs, which differes from downs close to nothing up to 3 full skills. Maybe it don't have to be really predictable, but i think something in the range 0,1-0,3(change numbers here closer or a bit higher to the current average downs), or real constant down would be preferable at least for me.
And also maybe down in all skill, since it looks for me that you just loose something at one skill at each week, instead of your overall ability.
Edit: but it seems that must people like the big random effect on it ;)
Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/2/2012 7:49:19 AM