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Suggestions > Cup Pairing

Cup Pairing

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277825.25 in reply to 277825.24
Date: 6/4/2016 2:14:34 PM
Ok, for one concrete small team it may be better such drawing. If he gets lucky he goes further. But in average, for all small teams it's much worse. If all top tier team are left in the cup run, so are all the small teams. Top teams can be knocked out by playing each other in the later rounds, when no bot teams are left.

I am not saying it for financial reasons, I am saying this for the enjoyment of being in the cup run much longer.

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277825.26 in reply to 277825.25
Date: 6/4/2016 2:47:04 PM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
I just don't agree with you. For reasons I've already stated the Cup is fine as it is.

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277825.27 in reply to 277825.26
Date: 6/4/2016 2:55:11 PM
You are right. I want to change something, and I have to convince you and GMs, but I don't have enough arguments )))) someday I'll come up with real arguments.

Good Luck in the cup run and the whole season as well

Last edited by TheGreatDanton at 6/4/2016 2:55:55 PM

This Post:
277825.28 in reply to 277825.27
Date: 6/4/2016 5:40:15 PM
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why not just remove bots entirely from the cup? When the Cup schedule is generated each week not human owned teams are removed....sounds alot better to me then some people getting bots and others getting humans the first week or 2.
I have lost week 1 the last 2 seasons being matched up against a better team then mine(not that I'am complaining, While others get to play bots. It would be much more fair if there were only humans in the cup games.

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277825.30 in reply to 277825.20
Date: 6/4/2016 7:23:52 PM
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The one game lost to TIE can make a big difference in the long run.

At least the option to set the effort should be removed for cup games then.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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277825.31 in reply to 277825.29
Date: 6/4/2016 7:37:59 PM
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why not a field of 60 instead of 64 then? If there is an uneven amount of humans you could give one lucky person a bot team, but there is no reason to have more then 1 bot team in the field

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277825.33 in reply to 277825.32
Date: 6/4/2016 9:56:16 PM
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or there is a bye awarded to the top seeded team in that given round of uneven matchups, i dont think you can say its unlogical, many professional sports and other sports follow that same logic. I think everyone having a fair shake in every round and the best team has a slight chance to get a bye is alot more logical then giving some teams no challenge in the first couple rounds while other managers are forced to play real humans.

This Post:
277825.34 in reply to 277825.33
Date: 6/5/2016 6:15:52 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
Everybody seems to be looking at ridiculous ways to solve a problem that simply does not exist. The Cup functions perfectly well as it stands now. How can something random be unfair? Yes, some people will be unlucky. Last season I didn't play a bot in the Cup at all, and I think a bot went further than me. Would I have benefited from a fixed draw? Yes. Should I? That's a different question entirely.

Random works. No need for change.

If you get unlucky and want to have a cry? Get over yourselves.
