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Best Offense/Defense

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From: CrazyEye

To: Coco
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97586.25 in reply to 97586.24
Date: 6/19/2009 3:07:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
thats right this failure comes from time to time into my "dictionary", and i am actually sure my quote f being right is a bit higher then 0,0001% ;)

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97586.26 in reply to 97586.25
Date: 6/19/2009 1:26:01 PM
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Also, look at the Google pages. Roster is not a related search for Rooster, but Rooster is a related search for Roster. Hmm... your mistake seems to be worse than the reverse of it.

This Post:
97586.27 in reply to 97586.26
Date: 6/19/2009 9:06:41 PM
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google is affected through my amount of wrong postings ;)

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97586.28 in reply to 97586.14
Date: 6/20/2009 3:18:12 AM
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Are actually giving newcomers advice to keep playing just one tactic. My god.
Whoever is reading this and just started please feel free to test out strategies and you can not win every game fielding 4 Centers and a PG + playing inside.

I did exactly what Crazy said and was successful with it: R&G as unique offensive tactics. The rationale is quite obvious for beginner to do so - well rounded inside players are very expensive, however if they flawed, prices drop dramatically. So I renounce on inside shot skills and focus in the acquisition on rebounders and defenders.

With this simple approach starting in season 7 in league 4, I play now second league and it looks like I am relatively competitive. (though have to say that try to shape my team now to become more flexible in offensive tactics). Basically, I believe that without focus on the outside tactics I could have only afforded a much weaker team and probably would have had less success.

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97586.29 in reply to 97586.28
Date: 6/23/2009 4:23:46 PM
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While it's true that the early BBB tournaments saw most teams with an inside attack, the strongest commonality was overall good defense.

For teams starting out, it is likely that they will focus on either inside or outside due to training. For long term plans, it makes more sense to finish training the inside or outside players instead of making both mediocre. There may be some short-term losses as a result of lower predictability, but in the long-run, the team will be much stronger.

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97586.30 in reply to 97586.29
Date: 6/23/2009 9:34:00 PM
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I have just started playing but one thing I've noticed from playing a few games and scouting future opponents is that when you start out being unpredictable doesn't seem to be a huge factor since a good portion of the lower division teams are not coached by active users and instead are often owned by users who signed in a few times and have since given up and are not booking scrimmages, actively transferring or training and have their tactics set to man/base for every game. If your opponent isn't coaching then you don't need to be predictable.

Obviously it makes a difference in upper divisions (and I assume in the play offs) but right now I am not freaking out too much about trying out trick my opponents and instead trying to figure out this whole training/playing time thing, manage enthusiasm and trying not to overpay for players like I did when I started out.